Monday, June 04, 2007

Life Changes Once Again

By now I am sure that most anyone who read my blog in past editions, as since given up hope that I would ever update. However, I am here to say that this record of my doings and where-abouts is far from complete.

I have finally graduated college with my BSN in Nursing, and am proud to say that it was with Honors. My parents and sister came down for the event, and we all had a wonderful, yet exausting time. Leaving was horrid I'll admit. I think I cried enough tears to flood my apartment again; as I drove down the street with the T's standing in their driveway. Mrs. T has called several times and says that Kate still asks when I'm coming home...I miss them tons!!

However, I have stayed fully busy in the few weeks I've been home. I am studing for my Nursing Boards to get my licence (it is so wrong that you have to study AFTER school), and trying to figure out where I'll be working. Right now I am actually leaning towards working in Tennessee as a Pediatric Intensive Care Nurse in a childrens hospital. Along with all the paper work I need to complete, I am also apartment hunting, and trying to get my adult life situated. Mom, dad, and I also just got back home from a wonderful trip to Maine so the parents could go to a rock digging class all week. They had a blast, and I enjoyed Maine! I was hopping ever so much to see a moose...but no - it wasn't to be. Now I can cross off my list of states to see, three more.

It is good to be back home though, and I am back in the swing of reenactments for the summer. We already had our first event, which happened to be four days instead of the usual three because we did an extra school education day that over 400 kids came to from over 4 schools!! As fun as it was, you have NO idea how badly I wanted a shower......

Well, that is about all for now - I will try to be much more faithful in my accounts, and keep you up dated on my work situation. Thank you all for the prayers and thoughts!

1 comment:

Jess said...

WHAT??? A shower? The cinnamon wasn't enough for you? I'm hurt, very hurt, my dear Clair.

