Saturday, June 16, 2007

Flying By

Isn't that just the story of life hmm? How easy it is to fill our lives with so many things some good, some not, and some just in the wrong order on a list of priorities. I suppose that the difficultly in complexity is when I lose focus of the Lord. Busyness in itself is not bad, too often however are the nights when I roll over to turn off the light on my nightstand, and see my Bible resting there untouched. How tragic would it be if I ignored the prick of the Holy Spirit on my heart? There are so many things in this world that I have just adjusted to - that every now-and-again I wonder if I shouldn't feel something when I see them. For example; just this week I pulled up MSN home page and a story headline caught my eye. At first I laughed at the irony of it, but it has nagged my thoughts this week. It said something like: From the devastating civil war in the Sudan comes good news (at this point I'm thinking oh cool the war ended!)...(read on)...National Geographic shows new aerial footage showing knob antelope are thriving there.

I struck me how misplaced our priorities often are. After all how many times have you seen news on the thousands of people dying in Africa and around the world each day from war, disease, and famine? I know that being stewards of earth is definitely a responsibility given to us by the Lord, but how greater then is our responsibility to the hurting and lost people surrounding us? Granted, we are not all called to fly to the Sudan :-P, but we are all called to be lights in the darkness, to stand humbled in the presence of our God, and to glorify the Lord in EVERY thing that we do. Oh that I might not live my life including God in it - but that I would include my life in the Lord - even the busy parts. Weird thought isn't it.

Mmm, sorry for my rambling. :-) See I'm attempting to actually keep up on here! More to come later - as I get inspired again.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Not rambling, Clair -- good thoughts. Very good thoughts. I too have had the same experience turning out the light at night, many times. Makes one feel very guilty. But it is excellent, my friend, excellent that you are bringing such a thing to my mind and the minds of your other readers.

Now if we could just get SFL to comment again one of these years!
