Sunday, January 28, 2007

Really Fast

For the sake of trying to keep up with my blog, this will be a very short post because I have to go set up for church in 5 minutes....Come to think of it I feel like at times my life runs in 5 minute intervals. Enough of that...So my new story - last night -

I was upstairs hanging with the T's, who if you recall are my fabtabulous landlords, and friends. After dinner and plenty of chocolate chip cookies :-) we went to work on their bathroom sink and tub, which ran into some trouble with having random objects dropped down it's drain - thus leading to a massive blockage. We had 6 foot pipe snake, but that was not long enough to reach, so at 9 o'clock at night we called next door to borrow his 25 foot snake...This then led us to a hillarious discussion of snakes...but lets not go there.

Needless to say when all was said and done the sink drained, the tub drained, and the three of us were covered in brown - crap...and smelled like bleach, vinagar, and REALLY nasty crap.

I took a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG shower.....

More later :-)

1 comment:

Jess said...


That beats the "crap" (ha ha, get it?) out of my story about having to clean up blood and puke in the bathroom at our favourite retail store/restaurant!