Monday, January 29, 2007


I can decide if my complete sense of disorganization comes from by desire to graduate, my busy schedule, or a lack of motivation. Perhapes all three to some degree, although I really want to be organized. Mainly, our classes have all these projects that are overlapping, along with the fact that my weekend (when I usually get organized) was kinda shot. Oh well! Lol...I think that tonight when I get home I will sort through all my stuff...

Oh I will share with you a rather hillarious moment brought to you by my slackish self :-). Sunday night around 10pm...yes after I should be asleep...I was up hanging out with some friends watching Back to the Future (such a good movie), when a quote caught my attention. I cannot remember who said it, I'm sure SFL will enlighten me, but I think that Loraine said it. She said "he's my dreamboat". I about choked when it hit me that this is a common reference between my parents...Oh the 80's...I will also admitt that we had way to much fun thinking about how Doc goes 30 years to the future which would be 2015, and what is says about it. My philosophy is that if Doc is correct we might as well stop paying for road and highway maintainence, because we'll be using flying vehicles. Haha, oh what fun.

Alright, I'm off to study a bit, or something.

P.S. You know I thought about doing something very theological...but then decided that I really didn't have the brain power this morning.

P.P.S. So my title makes some sense - it was a balmy 18 degrees this morning.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Brrrrr...I wish it were 18 here instead of 4 degrees. That would be lovely. Actually, when it got into the 20s the other day, it felt astoundingly warm. I got out of my car to pump some petrol and left my coat and gloves in the car. Didn't really need them! And the road was actually wet, as in the snow was MELTING for the first time in a month and a half. If it got up to 32 degrees, I think all of us up here would take off our coats and dance around happily. WOOO! T-shirt time! Just like in Alaska! And people think New York doesn't have temperature extremes...bah! We get 100-plus every summer just in time for Mumford and often below zero in winter, just in time for...well...I'm not sure what it's in time for...