Friday, January 30, 2009

Twenty-five Things

There is this Facebook (yes I know) trend right now that involves coming up with 25 random things about yourself, then sharing that with your friends in the hope that they will do the same. Now, as much as I enjoy Facebook I thought that the List might be more fun to do here where in 5 years I can look back at it. Here goes - enjoy, and try out your own list!

1. I have only ever had one ear infection; I was 16.
2. I've always been afraid to die by fire and water.
3. I get sick on roller-coasters.
4. I love pretty much every fruit or vegetable I've ever met ;-)
5. I've kept some sort of journal since before I was in high school.
6. I'm missing part of my ring finger.
7. I hate emptying the dishwasher.
8. I love Sunrises
9. I hate watching Golf on TV
10. I love going to baseball games
11. I like my coffee black, but sometimes I enjoy something sweet too ;-)
12. I LOVE snow, watching snow, shoveling snow, etc
13. I've never been stung by a bee
14. Too often I'm a people pleaser - I'm working on that
15. I'm not really a "baby" kinda person, I enjoy kiddos when they're around 3-6
16. I'm dyslexic
17. I hate spiders
18. I've been to Europe, South America, and Canada
19. I want to visit Africa
20. I've never wanted to live on an island because if there I've always imagined it sinking under the sea...(which is stupid - God numbers our days anyways).
21. My mom is my best friend, and knows me better then anyone else
22. There isn't one person I know that I can't say at least one good thing about
23. I told God that I didn't want to get married until I could say that I didn't need anyone else but Jesus to sustain me, hehe it hasn't happened yet...on either counts.
24. War of the Worlds was a movie that disturbed me for days after I saw it
25. I love to snuggle

That was fun! I know its a REALLY random noninclusive list, but who knows that gives me room to do another one later!


shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

What is Facebook?

Are these really random things? They seem rather premeditated.

You will not remember this is here in 5 years.

All will end in 2012 in the post apostolic catechism that is rapidly approaching.

A very interesting list. You should keep this to yourself, so some goob like me does not use the info. for its' own strange reason.


Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

They're mostly random.

I will to remember them...I remember you don't I.

Ah yes, yeah for 2012 - I'll include the list in my time capsul for the aliens that take over.

Don't worry about me, I don't fight fair, not to mention I have Jesus on my side. Bring it.

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

Hmm, such an angry response. I'll wear my cup and mouthpiece from this point forward.

Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

You have a cup? Actually scratch that...I don't want to know.

You may just want to buy a body bubble, that way I don't violate your personal space!! Hehe!