Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy birthday WOT!

January 20th may very well be inauguration day, but here in this family its WOT day...More appropriately WOT's birthday, and although I can't be there to celebrate I'm sure SFL will think of something nice (secretly I'm glad I'm not home */e shudders). How wonderful it is to be able to celebrate the life of people who have not only influenced who we are, but who also fill our lives with love and joy? We do so much for kids on their birthdays, that we really forget that as you get older every birthday really gets more precious. Its a celebration of the struggles, successes, the things we've over come, the work God has done in us, and the very person He is creating! What a better thing to have some cake and ice cream over then a life of beautiful transformation? That said - Happy Birthday Mom!!!

On the topic of inauguration day...I'm sure everyone has an opinion especially today, and I don't really want to get into a debate over it (I'm sure I will say nothing new here). Yes, we can say what we think, act on those thoughts, and even pray for a specific out come, but the ONLY reason any person is placed in a position of power and authority is because the LORD put them there. In my faulty human reasoning I can look at almost any human on earth and find a reason why they would make a horrid leader. However, my view is so limited, and I so often look out of bias. After all, look how the Israelites begged God for a king thinking it would solve all their problems, and God even basically said that you would regret it, but still the people wanted something tangible. Who did they get?? Saul, a wicked king who had a mental breakdown and eventually tried to hunt down David (a man after God's heart). If God knew a king wasn't a good idea why didn't He at least make it so that evil men like Saul were not put in power?? Look at the big picture though - if Saul had never been king then David would never have had the lessons that he did, David would not have met Saul's son (his best friend), and the list goes on. Not only does God work ALL things out for the good of those who serve Him, but He alone puts kings and rulers in their places. Try to remember that today. It isn't just a nice thought to maybe throw in a prayer for our leaders, or maybe only say a couple bad things about them. God said to pray for them (not if you like them). What horrid influences to younger believers are we if we stand and mock the institution the Lord has put in place and allows to stay there? What does that show our kids, when our actions say that we don't trust God to have a good plan? Hmm, it can be so hard to follow that, and I have definitely fallen off the wagon on more then one occasion, but God was good to give me that reminder today. Good or bad leaders they are all under the rule and authority of God who is the ultimate king, and whose rule over my life is truly the only one that matters. I'm going to step off my soap box now, haha I was on it a little to long...

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