Thursday, January 29, 2009

Patron Saint of Carpentry

Take a look at the current housing market and it doesn't take much to understand how poor Saint Joseph the Catholic Patron Saint of Carpentry, Housing, and Real Estate is getting quite the work out. To understand this story one must understand that WOT has been attending a Catholic women's Bible study for at least three years or so, with some of the sweetest God seeking women I've met. Thus, when these ladies heard that WOT's house was going to be put on the market they quickly suggested (with quiet chuckles) that the Protestant among them attempt the tradition of burying Saint Joseph upside down in their back yard for a quick sale. Now, I must admit that as much as I LOVE these ladies, and I have several wonderful Catholic friends; I totally cracked up when WOT told me this. First off, there is about three feet of snow in my parents yard, so to bury Saint Joseph would require not only snow removal, but some pick-ax action to break through the frozen earth. This job - were it to be attempted would be delegated to my poor father who upon the suggestion said "forget it". Now WOT did testify to her ladies that we have sold houses in 1 day before with a little prayer and faith, so attempting the Saint Joseph route might be over kill. That said, my wonderful mother - God bless her - was given children with very active imaginations, and with the description of this tradition I suggested to her that perhaps we could just bury St Joseph in the giant snow drift by the drive way...I mean come on now, no one will have to see it, and it's a lot less difficult to dig in. This then led to the envisioning of poor St Joseph on a sunny day having his snowy grave melted away would, and thus rolling into the street where he might be decapitated by a passing car. At this point I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of trying to super glue his head back on so when we gave him back to the Catholic Ladies they wouldn't know that St Joseph had been in a hit and run. Figuring that this train of thought was bordering on sacrilegious, and that perhaps burying Joseph in the snow was not the best option after all I jokingly suggested that we just pray to the Patron Saint Jesus the Master Carpenter. The other end of the phone was quiet for a second before WOT exclaimed, "you know what, I don't know that the ladies have ever thought about Jesus as the master carpenter". We laughed as I teased about us Protestants praying to the Patron St Jesus. How true it is though, that while God could have made it so we have to go to the Saints before "getting through", He instead gave us "Saint" Jesus who lives and dwells within us. He knows our every need, and how well He provides for us!! That said, I in no way am poking fun at the Catholic ladies' suggestion (I have the utmost respect for the Saints of old), but just out of a different perspective received a little revelation into the wonderful nature of this God we all serve both Catholic and Protestant alike. I do know that my father is ever so grateful to not be sent out into the backyard with the pick-ax!!


shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

So let me get this straight. Jesus lives in people?

So if I extrapolate your description about burying Saint Joseph upsides down to aid in selling homes to using saint Jesus instead, and since the fact that you said Jesus lives in people, does that mean people need to be buried upside down in someone's lawn to aid in selling? It seems that the only way to bury someone upside down is to use a backhoe. This will disturb far more ground and generate lots more questions when the suspended person is lowered into the hole. It seems far simpler to bury a small statue...

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...
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Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

Mhh I wonder if you need a permit in NY for burying ppl alive...

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

In New York? Of course not, people bury people everywhere in New York. They even have a special program for people to pay to be buried in highways, football stadiums, and large hydroelectric projects.

Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

Lol - wow I'm sure Hilary would love that to be our state motto. We'll bury you anywhere!