Friday, January 09, 2009


I couldn't think of a title, so sorry!

The past couple days have not had anything specific or exciting to write about. Mostly due to the fact that I've been at work, which happened to be a decent couple of days, but unless you want to hear about babies, snot, children that don't want to breath, vital signs, and SFL's famous "code browns" that were more like code greens then there is not much to say. On the other hand I have continued to think about life here. The book that I'm still working on (While the Heart Waits) has been really great! Written by an Episcopalian women in Anderson, SC the book revolves around her personal journey through a sort of mid-life crisis, and how the Lord taught her the value of waiting. It seems so funny that I've been so into some books mainly written for 40 somethings when I still get the whole "are you 16?". Oh well - it doesn't subtract from the great ideas and true struggles in this book. Part of me at this point in time would love to pick up and get out before the going gets worse, but "running" isn't me, and neither is it what Jesus would have us do (although it is so appealing). In reality what will change? Sure you may have a new environment, or closer people that you know, but God always finds a way for us to work through our issues, and if we abandon ship for another boat we'll find ourselves in the same storm later on down the road. Personally why not learn my lesson now, or at least attempt too? We will see how my body does as to whether I look into switching to a day shift job, or what changes that brings. Otherwise, I'm getting involved in some activities in the area, and hopefully that is going to make a big difference.


Peggy said...

Clair, thanks so much for visiting my blog! I love your blog title, by the way. Does that refer to International House of Pancakes? It made me smile because my husband proposed to me over breakfast at an IHOP in Indiana. Romantic, huh? LOL I also adore your Einstein quote on your header. So simple, yet so profound. :)

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

i love code greens!

you're right Clair, you can run but you can't hide.

and lessons aren't one time deals, they come and go throughout life.

just hope Vern doesn't propose to you like Peggy's pathetic husband. or me, who proposed to my wife in a cow pasture in michigan. it's a little known fact that most men have not learned what women find romatic. and they probably never will...