Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Update time!

There is good news! All my blood work came back normal, which in retrospect is on the whole a good thing, it would have been sort of nice to have a measurable reason for all this. Thus, it is all in my head...literally. On the positive side, I am doing very well "socializing". I went to church on Sunday even when I wanted to stay home and not take a shower ;-). Today I got up after a little sleep (since I worked last night), and went to the library which I was so excited to get 4 books or so that look awesome, 3 movies to spice up my late nights, and then of course the ultimate stop - dunkin donuts for some caloric endorphins. Tonight we're going to the Nashville House of Prayer for some music, and sisterly bonding. See, I am putting forth a good effort to pull myself back together, that and some help from upstairs! I will have to let you know how some of these books turn out, as I am very excited to get a start reading them. I know that I'm also suppose to be working on writing some of my own, but right now I'm finding it difficult to get a topic/interest/or plot. I can write little snippets, or on here, but the thought of working on a plot is a little daunting, but I really need to so that I can go to next months writers meet up with something in hand.../e wishes there was a writing genie...If you have any thoughts, ideas, or suggestions let me know ;-) Who knows perhaps you'll be the inspiration for the next worst novel hehe!


shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

I suggest you write about the pathetically tedious life of a middle-aged metallurgist and all the ridiculous people and surreal situations he finds himself living through. Novel, albeit boring as all @#$%...


the Wanna Be said...

It's great to read that you are a little more encouraged. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, friend!
BTW- I got "The Fall of Lucifer" from the library. You had recommended it last fall. So far I am enjoying it, but I'm reading 2 books at once so I'm not very far along.
How about writing a book about "secret agents, whose names can not be revealed (because they are secret agents, of course)". I think you'd have an audience fro it!

Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

Maybe I could combine all the novel ideas into one sort of mishap adventure...Hmm ;-)