Today I don't particularly feel like laughing, however (chin up!) I am pushing forward. Therefore, I have another hopefully entertaining story for you. They say laughter is good for the soul, so just see me as your soul lifter!
*Note: this is a true story...
Not that long ago, in a Red Lobster not that far away worked a very gullible, but very nice hostess. Unfortunately for her, and those of us like her who constantly seem to find themselves on the wrong end of the road there is little to say but, "you have to learn to laugh at yourself". I think half the humor in this little excerpt is the fact that I can see myself falling for this...
One day this young hostess had finished her daily duties of ushering guests to their seats, handing out menus, preparing silverware wraps, and the several other tasks laid out in her manual. Only an hour or so stood between her and the door, so she found herself seeking out the manager to inquire after anymore work that might need to be completed. She found the manager leaning against a door frame talking to a talk lanky line cook that she had only met once or twice, but who seemed nice enough. Posing her question, the manager started to respond when the cook interjected. "You already burped all the lobsters?".
Both manager and hostess looked at the cook with wide eyes, "burped the lobsters? What do you mean?" She retorted. "I didn't see that in the manual".
"Well, it may not be in the manual, but it's still part of your job". Came the reply, the cook sticking by his guns.
The hostess looked confused, but ventured, "Oh, I didn't realize. I'm not sure I know how".
"Don't worry, I'll show you". With the cook leading the way both hostess and manager trailed after him towards the large water tank by the restaurant door, filled with 30-40 live lobsters, brightly colored rubber-bands around each claw.
The cook grabbed a towel and laid it across his shoulder (by this point several other employees had come to watch the proceedings). "Now you take a lobster like this", laying a lobster over his shoulder on the towel, just as if you would an infant. "And just pat it like so." He rhythmically thumped the lobster's back the poor creature not seeming to mind. The hostess still wasn't convinced, and looked skeptically over at the manager who stood two steps back. Another good pat and miraculously bubbles started to form at the lobster's mouth (it could not have been better timing). Eyes widening the hostess exclaimed, "ohhhh now I think I get it!" The cook nodded in agreement, and then placed the lobster on her shoulder, "Now you try it". The unassuming girl continued patting the lobster, while the cook stated that now she must continue to burp all the lobsters in the tank. The hostess agreed and continued her attention to the animal on her shoulder when the manager and the other observing employees could no longer contain themselves. Several crumpled to the floor in laughter, others had tears running down their faces as they roared with helpless glee over "lobster burping". It wasn't long, with all the laughter that the hostess realized that she had been had. Plopping the lobster back in the tank she stormed out of the restaurant the sounds of laughter still following her. She eventually forgave the cook, and came to look back on the event with a chuckle...
For those of us who are the gullible creatures of the earth, remember that even when you end up being the butt of someones joke, you are bringing laughter to many!!!
like that story. it made me smile
I was looking up if lobsters burp after a strange question with my sister when I found this, and I like this as an answer more than anything real.
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