Friday, February 13, 2009

Sooo here is the new cat that has decided to visit our back porch at night for the past two weeks. He/she/it (I can't tell its too fluffy) is very nice and comes to let me pet it. I finally got a picture tonight, and determined that boy or girl the cat's name will be Rambo. Hehe, because its an out door cat of course (kitty with an A-K47).
We'll see what happens, I'm a sucker for poor homeless creatures. I did manage to get some flea stuff on it, just in case I bring it in and it has fleas, even if I never see it perhaps I have rid the world of one more flea....just saying you should all be grateful. ;-)
Because I feel bad for the cat I've been setting out some food for it (which I know only attracts other animals too, but I don't care). Well, last night I was sitting on the couch and I saw the movement triggered back light come on. There was a Lab eating the cat food, so I opened the back door. Does the dog run? Yes, but not without first grabbing the bowl in its mouth. I come running out the door after it yelling "give me my bowl back!". Yeaaaah, so I'm sure my neighbors think I'm weird...The dog did drop the bowl, but continued running - I haven't seen it since. Haha, WOT thinks that there are signs up around the neighborhood advertising free food. Which reminds me, this totally leads up to a GREAT bathrobe story!!! A side note, do you like the fact that it seems like most of the bathrobe stories include animals? Hmm, interesting...


shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

I can see nothing resembling a cat. I see a very dark, very unfocused white blob with what look to be rabbit ears. I think you have misidentified the creature and what you are actually doing is flirting with disaster. That my dear girl (at least I think you're a girl based upon your pseudonym "Clair Bannerman", but we can never be too careful now can we?), anyways, that my dear pseudo-girl is a KILLER RABBIT. It's got long sharp fangs, and it has killed many a man by lunging at their throats and bleeding them dry from vicious tearing of the jugular.

You are quite schizophrenic aren't you? One minute loving little killer rabbit, the next yelling like a fool at some poor starving dog and running it off from the only meal it's probably had for weeks. Quite puzzling behavior.

Now Clair your little WOT-bathrobe-animal story isn't the one about the time she tried to entice Thal to come in from out in the garage by taking her bathrobe beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppppppppppppppppppppp.....

Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

That was a total frunken shruntal lobe moment - you better not let WOT see that comment...Haha