What might you ask happened to your leg? Good question I would reply! However, I will not be telling you until next Monday. Until that time please feel free to release you inner creative spirit with some guesses as to the origin of my injuries...
On a side note: no comments on my paleness.
looks like you either missed a spot washing or shaving to me.
We think it is poison ivy.
Monday has arrived!! It's answer time ;-).
As fabulous as the answer choices are - my leg was actually bruised! Thanks to some horseback riding it looked like my leg was beat with a baseball bat. Fortunately it was not that painful, it just looked pretty bad.
hey nani! you've finally entered the wild and wacky world of blogomania.
Clair, I don't think your answer is correct.
besides, who cares, it's a new monday and time for a new dose of schlock.
what psychadeli-schlock are we up for this week clair?
we want schlock!
we want schlock!
we want schlock!
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