Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Week two and they are growing!

And we have a tank!! Hehe, I don't think this little bugger has missed many meals in a week! Just keeping you guys updated on the cuteness.


shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

WOT says "Go for Green"! and i confess greenie is more physically appealing than big red, which looks too much like a guinea pig. greenie already has the right combination of colors and proportions of colors to make him acceptable to WOT.

NOTE AND DISCLAIMER: WOT does not approve of this rendition, although she just said she does not approve of my rendition of her disapproval. now she says she has no disapproval whatsoever. she says i never quote her correctly. which i disapprove of completely. i am never wrong! WOT says that is not correct and i should not voice this opinion in the general public where the nameless and faceless masses congregate to gather all forms of clandestine and subversive information about each other. doubtless for some mischievous purpose which we do not know.

WOT now grows impatient to my diatribe, stating i am not using sufficient quantities of punctuation, which she has no real idea of such since she's not reading this but simply listening to my droning.

GO FOR GREENIE! you'll not be sorry. WOTTY knows best for you...


shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

i rest my case


Clair Bannerman (alias) said...