Monday, March 15, 2010

Music Monday - Kick it up ;-)

So, I'm going to save my Easter Music Monday songs until it gets a little closer. I know that SFL will think this song is schlock, but I like it, and I think that the band has a great sound...personally the version I posted on here is different than the link, because WOT and SFL need the lyrics. ;-)

I am going into work every morning this week to do some education stuff, which is great for some extra pay and extra experiences. While we've been making some changes in practice at work I have been reminded about how so often we have a conscientious choice regarding our attitude. Whether you have to learn something new, change something old, or just give something up altogether the concept stays the same. You can choose to have a good attitude about it (whether or not you agree - and it doesn't mean you can't express your opinion), or you can walk around complaining, and tearing others down. Just because I'm at work and not in church doesn't mean that I'm "off duty", and can act any way I want to. Unfortunately, too many people don't make great choices...I'd like to think that through it all not only will I be a happier healthier person, but that I will also have influenced others for the better. */e gets off soap box now.....

Anyways...back to the whole having to get up early...I do know that not getting to sleep past 6am for like eight days is making me slightly sad....its okay, I know I'm shallow. All that said; I neeeeeeed to clean my house today, and then I have a dinner date with the sis which should be fun!

I hope that your Monday is fabulous!!!

P.S. I love the little ah...comments in the previous post...all I can say is WOW, someone has watched a little too much Star Trek and not enough Sesame Street.


shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

where do you find this stuff?

don't tell me, i don't really wanna know.

i'm thinking of a word...


Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

You tube friend...and yus you did want to know!