Monday, March 22, 2010

Rainy Monday

We need a funny video this week. Work was rough and sober over the weekend, so I'm all for something entertaining!


shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

that's an interesting use for treadmills. WOT might find this more intriguing than the conventional use, which is completely unacceptable.

WOT wanted to know if there's any words for this one... apparently triggered some form of subliminal "needs words to verify okness" filter.

i just bobbed my head while it played and said nothing. to which she laughed. i crack myself up!


Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

Haha, tell WOT that the words aren't important! This one is all about the tredmills baby!!

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

yes, non-conventional treadmill use might spur WOT to attempt, but the cost of eight treadmills, plus the space requirement is not acceptable. WOT must suck it up, and use it just like it's meant to be used. tough for WOT.

WOT recommends getting the picture size correct since we could not see the entire action at one time. only after my further searching on you tube did we see the whole picture. WOT likes to complain about these sorts of things. WOT gasps when i write this and threatens with verbal and non-verbal cues that i must remove this statement immediately. she is laughing, but it's not funny...


Anonymous said...

Thy dearest Clair,

Oh how I don't like feeling challenged by you! In the end I always feel like the dog with the "Sharpie" eyebrows. Though this will be time consuming, I do plan on carrying out what I said I would do but it will have to wait till I get home. Someday I'll learn to keep my mouth shut. I am kinda dissapointed that my video link I sent you hasn't made "music Monday " yet.

To "B" continued!

Ps. All hale the mini sirloin burger queen! And tell her she's a B R A T! =) (told ya I would!)

Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

Wow! B lives? Shocker ;-p.

WOT I'll work on the size issue for you if you work on the treadmill. ;-)

SFL - so glad to hear that my video lived more up to your high expectations, haha