Tuesday, March 02, 2010

My toes...

Today has been a busy day! That said I skipped out on painting class; I just didn't want to deal with the weird guy in class, and I wanted to go home curl on the couch and eat sugar loaded foods. I ran around all this morning with the sister for her school stuff, and then we had a nice little girls date with some coffee and nail polish. She and I try to hit up this little nail salon every couple of months on a girls date. Victor who owns the shop is this little Asian man, and is the nicest guy ever. We talk to him about his kids, and the weather, etc while enjoying some toe TLC.

I'm dying to see a new batch of puppy pictures as they are growing, but she hasn't taken anymore...so we have to wait!

I hope that your weeks are going well!!!! Just think the weekend will be here before you know it ;-)


shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

is the guys name vern by chance? don't call him weird.

i cannot understand toenail anything...

they are constantly covered with socks and shoes. they are smelly, and lasts only a brief time before chipping and spalling off. i find this a quintessential female avenue for waste of money and why all money should be doled out to women by rational-thinking males with severely imploded frontal lobes.

send me your poor, your huddled masses of ones, fives, tens, twenties, fifties, and hundreds and i will give them shelter...

Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

My toes don't chip.....

Also, I'll let you shelter my pennies if you want...

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

i'm not proud. go ahead and send all your money in the form of pennies, i don't care.