Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Celery Ice!

It only took Kristin and I about 2 hours to get the entire dining room painted, and I don't think that it's going to take another coat. Now I'm going to start decorating. I've already got some pictures hung today, which amazingly makes it feel so much more like my house. I love it!!!! I also got some pumpkin spice color (a dark orange) to try out on the book shelves.

The pale green we put on the walls really open up the space and just brings so much brightness in. I really want to copy-cat a picture display idea from my friend Flo. She got an old abandoned window with peeling white paint, and centered pictures in each pane of glass. It looked so neat, and I need something big in the living room on the back wall. I think it could be great with some flower close ups that I've done, and then change it out each to find an old window...unfortunately I'd be arrested for taking a window out of an occupied house, darn...

I need to get packing, and print out all my documents and conformations. It's hard to believe that Monday is around the corner!!!! I get to see the puppies tomorrow, and then I'll work Friday and Saturday. I got off Sunday so I had a little extra time. Hopefully I'll know what puppy I'm getting, have all my stuff packed, and be ready to go by Monday.

I wanted to get all my flowers for outside, but with the heat I was afraid that 10 days would kill them if they didn't get water while I was on my trip. Sis isn't the best about keeping up with stuff like that - heck I'm just hoping she'll remember to feed the cats ;-).

Mmm did I tell you guys that they took the for sale sign down for the house? I know right - so exciting!! Maybe I'll at least get another year or two out of the lease. Anyways I'm sorry I've been a little scattered today. I need to stop procrastinating!!! Okay - more later!


Caris said...

Those colors sound gorgeous!!! I'd love pictures of the final room! :)

Yay, sounds like a super exciting week for you coming up!!!

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

frozen celery = mushy mold


ps - glad to hear you don't have to move. my back is rejoicing!