Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Missed Music Monday!

This is sooooo the story of my life right now! Baby Gack has knocked more things over this week, I am getting better at not leaving things that can be knocked over...He did however manage to swat my library book off the counter and into the toilet!! Talk about Lysol coming in handy!!! I was so grossed out.....Anyways, I thought this song was very applicable.

I'm back to night shift, but I'll try to post here soon!!


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

what happened to the original soundtrack!!!???

instead we listen to mega-schlock, teenie-bopper, pop-chick version. what's up with dat?

alas, Gack is precocious, and might has been a professional hockey, soccer, or lacrosse player in his former life based upon his love of sliding things around with his front paws.

sorry about the germification of your library book. i'm sure the next person won't be one of those people who licks their finger before turning every page. HA! HA!


shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

PS - WOT thinks my comment was disgusting. however she was laughing loudly while she said that.

PSS- this is an unauthorized recollection of WOT sayings.

Jess said...

Oh no!!! Did it ruin the book? Did you have to pay for it? Eww!!!!!!! :)~

Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

SFL - Get over it, I get to pick the Monday music selection!! Also, yes perhaps Gack was involved in violent head damaging sports which would explain his occational stupidity. As for WOT sayings, yes, she just doesn't want anyone to know how evil she truely is.

Jess- The book was ok after I lysoled it. Thank God for laminate book covers. And no, I'm not paying for it, they'll never know until they get ecoli.

Anonymous said...

I liked the music pick myself.

Hockey, soccer or lacrosse? What about the wonderful sport of curling from Canadia? Odd but interesting sport I think.

The book I'm not gonna touch!


shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

yes clair, i must remember that it's true; it's your blog, your comments, your control over monday music offerings. i must swallow hard, and listen... at least until i'm overcome by schlock and must turn away.

yes bymmer, curling is a great idea. one must wonder how the canucks arrived at curling, must have been a drinking game. perhaps started during those long dark nights in the northwest territory....

"a group of gold miners were drinking, spending their normal winter friday night at the saloon. sally was dancing up a storm on the stage while the boys slurred their ways along the lyrics, the piano player hammering to extract a tune on the decrepit ol' upright.

after the echo of "last call" had finally faded from between the mountain walls, the boys staggered out into the frigid sub-zero air. it was so cold your spit would freeze before it hit the ground. one of the boys stumbled after the final step, a lump of a frozen cat was the culprit. in his altered and angered state he kicked the lump free from the mud's icy grip. laughing, another of the boys dumped a little whiskey on the lump while another touched his stogey to the wet lump, causing it to burst into flames as sally was just walking out. not knowing what was burning, she ran back into the saloon fetching a broom. the boys, startled by sally running towards them with a broom tossed the burning lump down the street, sally fast after. with every attempt to bat out the flames the froze lump scooted farther from sally's hit."

curling was born!

go pick up a book on it from the public library and see if i'm right.

but please, i beg of you, don't lick your fingers to turn the pages!


Anonymous said...

Ok.. The description you made to how "Curling" was born makes me wonder. Did you and your pals of youth ever visit a farm pasture and collect the "Cow Patties" in paper bags with the idea of lighting them on fire on the neighborhood porches, then ringing the doorbell? All in the name of fun to watch the poor resident stomp it out? Never mind! Don't answer that....

The book idea is a no go. Although it may have been good, I'm afraid of it being a crappy read now. I'll never be able to look at a book again and not wonder where it's been. There's a haunting thought!

B-Careful at the library!

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

paper bags? paper bags??

we don't need no stinking paper bags!

it's not the looking that's the problem my dear bymmer, it's the picking up that's hazardous.

latex gloves cover a multitude of past failures. so don't let the sins of those in the past keep you from your future intellectual development. simply follow this patented multi-step process:

1. visually select book of interest.

2. remove library card from storage.

3. remove two ambidexterous latex (latex-free if allergic) gloves (talc or talc-free depending upon darkness of clothing worn during trip).

4. attach gloves onto hands, fully covering fingers and palms.

5. pick up book and carry to check-out desk.

6. remove gloves, place contaminated gloves in zip lock bag and re-zip. hand library card to librarian or assitant.

7. don new pair of latex gloves to receive, now contaminated library card, back from contaminated librarian.

8. place contaminated card in with contaminated gloves for later decontamination at home in custom made decontamination cell. (patented design ideas are avaialble for purchase, just contact me for details).

9. remove contaminated gloves and place in zip-lock bag.

10. take out large, gallon-size, zip-lock bag.

11. put on new latex gloves and pick up contaminated book with one hand, placing in bag held by other hand. zip closed.

12. remove latex gloves and place in contaminated glove storage bag.

13. immediately apply hand sanitizer to all affected areas.

14. go home to commence thorough decontamination prior to reading.

15. enjoy reading history of curling in knowledge you are completely safe (assuming you are wear N95 respirator or better during handling and reading).


PS - WOT thinks this is excessive, which for her is saying something. but i think it's better to be safe than sorry.

Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

Thank you for such clear directions! I now feel so much safer knowing the correct way to sanitize. I mean it's always better to be safe than sorry!!!

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

you're welcome.

clarity in communication is a topic with which i have much practice, however of limited success...*sigh*
