Monday, December 21, 2009

Music Monday!!!

I had to get you in a dancing mood for my SECOND music video!

Merry Christmas everyone!!! I hope that you have a wonderful time with friends and family! I have another great video for next week, but I thought that I better at least do ONE Christmas song! ;-)

Have fun with all your Holiday traditions, and eat lots of food for me!!!


Anonymous said...

Music Monday! WOO HOO! Love the usual sense of humor. Since I haven't posted in a while I'll drag all my trash up here and play catch-up.

The "How to check out a library book" should go into print! With skills in writing such instructional documents I suggest you write more. I have many suggestions in which you could write upon.
1. A how to keep from choking on the toys in the kids meals. I don't mean this for the kids, I mean it for some of the stupid parents who may have choked on them.

2. When gas was at over $4.00 a gallon I heard a story of a guy who had a brilliant idea to syphon gas with a vacuum cleaner. I hate to speak ill of the dead but, what an idiot!

3. Since we have a holiday here, how about writing a warning label for deep frying turkey. How many people have put a frozen turkey in hot oil and become fatally injured?

Three should be a good start for you, though my understanding is you don't need any help ranting about stupid people.

"Fun in an Igloo?" Clair, I hate to pick at you in writing but:
"It has been unseasonably cold here this week! I wish that we had some snow to go along with the temperatures in the 20s," Isn't this like saying "These cookies are so sweet BUT, I wish they had frosting?" HAHA.. couldn't resist :P

Mr. Rogers? "SHUDDERS"

Since I'm picking on Clair:

Weather: Cloudy and in the 20's with SNOW!

Feeling: My feet are cold and I don't like it!

Cooking: Stuffed shells and garlic bread, a perfect dinner for a snowy night

Busy doing: Picking on Clair instead of the Royals.

Take care!


a guy, a gal and 2 cats said...

Hey you! You paid tribute to a crazy Newfoundland tradition! That's so funny! I believe it still is a practiced tradition there. Guess you get real creative for entertainment when you're stuck on a rock all winter. Glad to hear you're doing well and staying busy with work.

Miss you!
Patty & Jeff

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

well clair, unfortunately i am having some form of technical difficulty seeing video clips on your site. images are perfectly fine. so, i cannot appreciate your you monday music selection. on a rating of 1 to 10 what is the schlock-factor this week? all may enter there rating, i will analyze for statistical significance and report the results.

my dear bymmer, i guess i have been cloistered with too many females for too many years. i have become fickle, and thus do not respond to requests. i play hard to get. thus no new instructional pamphlets on suggested topics are likely forthcoming... although over eighty-percent of the worlds population does deem some form of comment; but we shant go there.

however...that does remind me of something i wish to speak to you about.

you use the term "Royals", plural. indeed you should be set straight. there is only the Royal, singular, i am a simple serf of a long ignoble history of commoners. WOT is of a royal lineage, and should be given every deference in both word and deed. your recent mis-statement requires some form of penance. i suggest money as a good way to absolve yourself. cash, in $100 denominations is acceptable to her hindendesty. she waves her roayl staff in your general direction, thus you are now clean. go my son, and speak of Royals no more.

merry christmas and happy new year!

PS-WOT is mortified, but she giggles while she gasps. HA! HA!


Anonymous said...

$100 denominations?? With the current economy this may be difficult being I'm a simple peasant. I will though offer 100 of my finest plastic cattle for forgiveness! The plastic chickens are out of the question because i left them to close to the heater and it was tragic! The plastic poultry market went out of control in which my brother profited greatly. Sometimes I still wish he left his toys there instead of me.

So, just to make sure I have this right, WOT is the Royal and you are a serf? I hate fines and penalties, so I just wanna make sure I have this straight. To speak of Royals never again will be very difficult, simply because it makes one laugh, (no names mentioned) and I must say I have been amused by it. In all seriousness though, it was just to be silly, and if you don't like it I will stop.

Take care,


shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

sure, plastic cattle are just fine. melt them down, stamp a 20 digit numeric code on the front, emboss a nice little hologram in the corner, and put a magnetic strip on the back. then install numerous hundreds of US dollars into the new account, and presto! problems resolved.

yes, you got the who is who correct. but don't be a silly boy and get all serious on us. besides, there's always repentance if we feel you're in need.


Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

I happen to like the reference to royals, and thus demand that it continue. Seeing as I am the ruler over this Blog you are reminded of your surf-ly position....

Also, in my kingdom we only trade in plastic solders. I plan to extend my holdings and will require reinforcements. Thank you for your offer...

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

i bow in deference to your royal hindendesty!

Anonymous said...

Clair! NO! Not the plastic soldiers! If we are gonna sacrifice plastic toy type things I say we find plastic replicas of corrupt politicians, bobble heads included. The maiming, crushing and melting could be somewhat satisfying. Turning these into a credit card only make sense for the corrupt high interest rate creditors.

Hope everyone had a good Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!