Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Years, May You Be Less Sick Than Me

Since I missed Music Monday this week due to being sick, I am making up for lost time. I liked this video best, but couldn't embed it in the post so here is the link and a close second for a video!! It so is applicable for today ;-).

On a side note:

On the first day after Christmas I got a stomach bug.

and feelllttt reeeeaaalllyyy rough.

The second through the third day I didn't eat much

but back tooooo work I went.

On the fourth day after Christmas I got a bad migraine

and spent it throwwwingggg up

On the fifth day after Christmas I went to see the doc

and found my heads a litttttle off.

On the sixth day after Christmas I have to go to work

and I'm feeling a cold cominggggg

I know its not the best song ever, but I had to try. I've decided to boycott Christmas next year. Haha, I hope that you all have patience with me, as I haven't even cleaned my house, or gone grocery shopping since I've been home.


shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

we are very sorry to hear of your problems. been worried to the point i barely ate my after dinner snack. ;-)

well, just another reason to live near us. but let's do this in an orderly fashion. First, you make lots of money and sae it ALL. Second, we work a little longer and save our money too. Third, at the agreed upon time (well actually when i feel like quitting) you find a new job in our mutually-agree upon (well we all know it's really only where i want to finish out my last days) location. Fourth, we purchase a large enough compound for us all to live within. Fifth, we move and get settled. Sixth, we come and move you to the new compound. Seventh, we quit working and live off you for the remainder of our days.

there isn't that a happy plan to look forward to in this coming new decade? just think, this could be the decade of my planned (versus unceremoniously unplanned) exit from the ranks of the employed!

go clair go! go clair go! go clair go!


PS - none of us knows what the state of your home or refrigerator is, so no need to feel guilty. we shall never know!

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...
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shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

PS - did i tell you i LOVE the "odd" button at the bottom? i would do away with the others, or simply put two more "odd" buttons in place of them.


shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

At WOT's continual nagging (WOT strongly states that she does not nag) we listened to your music selection. we could not understand any of the words, however it looked like the pinnacle of schlock to me! is there nothing good out there now? are the shades of pemberly thus to be polluted? it shall not be!

it was a game try, but start over.

Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

Well thanks for the sympathy! I would love for you to live with me - WOTs nagging and all ;-). As for the odd buttons...FABULOUS idea!!!

Much wovings!

Jess said...

clears throat timidly

raises hand

could i get invited to the compound every once in a while??


shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

well, we have not arrived at a benevolent dictatorly-dispensed policy on visitors. the supreme benevolent one will install a quasi-democratic voting process conducted by the puppet politburo from which all governing policies will arise. all policies are subject to the whims of the benevolent one who may deem it appropriate to subvert, neglect, reverse, overturn, modify, alter, call out secret punishment squads to threaten, or generally ignore.

however, i do know that IF any invitation were to be granted you would agree to be blindfolded, gagged, hearing muted and placed in a sealed bag (yes, we'd let air in, no point in having to spend the effort to dispose of the body now is there?) until arrival.

other than that, i see no problem at all!

Clair? what is you opinion?


Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

Ah, I think that seeing as you will be living under my benevolent employment I should make the rules. I say that no gagging or bagging shall occur. Jess you're welcome to come visit, but I can't promise high quality...just saying!

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

sure, here comes the start of elder-abuse, i can feel it. "i'm doin the workin, so i makes the rules, see? you do what i say, and i say sit in the chair, eat your can of friskies, and be quiet!"

and all this time i thought i was gonna get to be the benevolent one... *sigh*

Jess said...

YOU do not need anything else that involves friskiness, food or otherwise. Broth for you. Broth, and rye bread, with the occasional treat of sorghum. Delish, yes?

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

yep, go ahead, all the youngin's pile on now!

sorghum? me no like sorghum, unless it's fermented! pitch the broth and just give me fermented sorghums' i'll be happy and promise not to give any trouble.

bring on the sorghums!

Jess said...

No fermented sorghum. I just got through telling you you couldn't have anything that involved friskiness, and I do believe friskiness might be a side effect of fermented ANYTHING.

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

me no like you.

you harsh and orderly.

i let you come to compound without any precautions and you wanna treat me like dis? what kinda friends clair got? me tink you gotta be nicer or me tell clair to only let you visit with supervision, so you no treat me bad. *glarestare* i too old for dis. only got few more years till cracker state, so wanna enjoy dem, not all broth and bare sorghumized.

you be nicer!


Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

HAHAHA - Ah Jess I love that you keep him in his place ;-). I agree, anything fermented would add to the friskiness, and this could definately be bad.

On another note, SFL we do love you dearly - so don't worry we will keep you pre-cracker state as long as possible!!

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

thank you. at least i have some among my acquaintance whom will help me in my time of need.*snif**snif*
