Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Family Woooove

Ah, yes. Family togetherness is always a fun thing. Around Christmas it usually involves driving to see Christmas lights while singing at the top of our lungs (SFL purposefully off key) as many carols as we can remember until with dissolve into rolls of laughter over the made up words, off key tunes, and generalized frivolities.

Needless to say, we've had a very fun time with SFL and WOT. As a special bonus WOT gave a limited time approval for a family photo to be posted (/e waits for the gasps of surprise). Please remember: you have never seen said picture, WOT is not in any picture, I am an alien by birth - thus my parents have never been photographed. My disclaimer is complete. Thank you.

OH! Last but not least, little kitten (who is now a big kitten) Gack has now come to live with us once again, because no matter how much WOT loves Gack, he is a little rough with her other cats. Polly though whacks him in the head, putting him in his place. She is definitely top cat around here, but I think that they will love playing with each other after they become reacquainted. Upon WOT's request, pictures/video clips of Gack and Polly will be posted in the coming months so WOT doesn't miss him too much.


Anonymous said...

Nice picture!

The "King" doesn't look to impressed by it! Royal WOTness looks to be having a good time. Whats up with "Sistah"? I see no meat and potatoes in front of her, I hope she had oatmeal! "Security"?? Ummm... $20 if you let me pass!



shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

amazing what visual effects can be created with image processing programs such as Photoshop. neither sfl not WOT look anything like the photograph, that's the only reason WOT would permit a photo on the world wide web of virtual cyber-falseness.

nothing can be believed anymore. images can be post processed, video is computer generated, anything put out for viewing may be falsified or modified. the internet is the latest and greatest attempt to dupe people into a false sense of knowledge, and in turn power. people think they know more now than ever before in the history of man, yet in reality they know (or can trust they know) less than ever. no longer are paper works of literature being created, it's all "electronic", the new Bourgeois. yah, yah, yah...

so, you think you know us? hum?

keep trying, we are not so easy to find...

PS - so Clair, YOU are busy trying out your new vacuum, eh? care to clarify your comment?


shrunken_frontal_lobe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

I did not realize that under my roof rested the next revolutionary, the next hero of the free world, the next Francis Bacon! Nevertheless, I would like to remind you that perhapes what is truely of import is not the ultimate attainment of knowledge and truth, but rather the ernest seeking of it. It may be that the failure of individuals is in the belief that whatever is found in the seeking equates to truth.

As for your accusation pertaining to my new vaccum...You are right. I would never stoop to cleaning; however, I am excelent at delegation. ;-)

Your Humble Servant

Clair Bannerman (alias) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

ah yes, seeking is just as important as finding.


what we have here is a failure to communicate!

let me put it to you in mathematical terminology.

make it up = fake

read fake and believe real = dumb

earnestly seeking fake and think it's real = dumb

I am glad you have finally stated a truth, you are indeed a good delegator, following the tradition of your royal matron, WOT. i am following my serfly lineage, and doing the common labor.


Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

Although your mathmatics in theory appear correct you have failed to account for human error. According to your estimation of 2/3s world population stupidity factor how can you assume that said population would in turn make a correct choice relating to seeking truth. Perhaps I was merely setting the bar too low. Excellent point however, people are more likely to meet a higher standard if you set one for them. I stand corrected.

P.S. Persian Cats beget Persian Kittens ;-)

Caris said...

Lol, this is great!

And I should be able to figure out was SFL and WOT stand for, but alas... I googled them, and came up with some pretty odd acronyms that I doubt are correct here. "Ski for Light?" "Web of Trust?" Lol... excuse my ignorance, but you'll have to enlighten me. :)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha - poor Caris! Dad likes to keep the acronyms secret, but I'll devulge them to you ;-) By the way, I love the fact that you googled them!

SFL - Shrunken Frontal Lobe he is also known as Thal.

WOT - Wife/woman of Thal
Dot - my sister and Daughter of Thal
Spot - Spone of thal


Caris said...

Wow, now I don't feel so bad for not being able to guess (or find with google!) Those are hilarious! =)

Caris said...

Oh, and this makes the above dialogue even more amusing; I love it. :)

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

Well, anonymous. I see that you suffer from CSS (can't spell stuff).

SPOT = Spawn of Thal

you have also violated a cardinal rule of pen-names, never, Never, NEver, NEVer, NEVEr, NEVER, divulge real names. it ruins the clandestine, romantic secretiveness, the sense of "who is that masked man?" sorta thing.

now everyone knows a fat, old, gray-haired goob is writing obnoxious, ridiculous, silly, interesting, profound (i humor myself), provocative, and meaningless drivel. your readers will now no longer read with the same sense of reverent awe thinking, "who is this idiot that keeps writing in this blog???"


PS - WOT is severely disappointed at the use of your actual name in this posting!

PSS - WOT does not like me saying things that she really said but does not want to be posted. "Take it away, take it away she pleads", with growing anger, "oh not anger, concern she says. stop, STOP writing she commands..."

Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

We already knew I suffered from CSS.

Have you forgotten, on the world wide web one can be whoever one wants to be ;-) Thus my life is a pen-name.

If you think that my readers respect you anyways you are making a big assumption...Just saying you may what to ask before you assume.

P.S WOT....we love you.

P.S.S. WOT needs to just stop commenting...itssafer that way.

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

yes, i remember all my profound sayings. however...

once you strip away my cloak of cyber anonymity and show me for who i am, it's such a letdown. haven't you ever seen the wizard of oz. quite disheartening when the all-powerful wizard is exposed isn't it?


PS - yes, i liked living in my little deluded world where i am king and all my subjects love me. quit reminding me of the truth!