Saturday, December 12, 2009

Fun in an Igloo

It has been unseasonably cold here this week! I wish that we had some snow to go along with the temperatures in the 20s, but oh well. I'm back on night shift hopefully for the last rotation, and will be starting my straight weekend shifts in January! I am really looking forward to having some stable day shift, and so is my body!!

I'm still waiting for future puppy's momma to go into heat, and I feel bad that the breeder Molly is so aware of my wait. Poor thing, you can't make it happen! I mean I like the fact that she isn't just breeding to breed, but it does mean that I just have to wait. God knows the perfect time, but I do occasionally ask him to hurry those things along ;-).

I just got some oil paints today!! I'm excited to try them out!!! I will let you know how it works. I like having a little bit of everything around, so I can just do whatever I'm in the mood for. I need to look up some of the Joy of Painting videos online, and follow along with the 70s hair, hehe.

Also, WOT wants to get into the radio business Ham style. Haha, poor SFL underestimated his children by thinking we would not be interested. I mean come on! Who doesn't want to learn Morris Code! I think that it would be fun, and different, and to get your basic licence doesn't take that much. It's not like you have to spend thousands of dollars, technically you can get your licence and not even have a radio, although that would be a little stupid. Haha, hello? Come in? Calling SFL!


shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

too bad about the cold there Clair. just gonna have to suffer in silence, just like WOT always does. she's been a good caretaker for you, taught you everything she knows, dear woman.

i really think you should not be discussing such things as animals menstrual cycles on the ethersphere. i'm not sure what God has to do with regulating the reproductive cycles of every animal, but if you want to tell him your thoughts on the issue, who am i to dissuade you.

better not let paulie drink the oil paints like you do with the watercolors, could make for some interesting decorations in the litter box! he!he!

alas my child, before you can get any radio licenses, you will need to learn that no one will be able to respond should you attempt to communicate in morris code, but morse that might get you somewhere.


Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

Hahaha, I had to explain your subtle sarcasm to poor B here...

Would you rather talk about human reproduction? As we speak my poor little ovaries are killing me - where is my heating pad?

Also, I don't think even a little oil paint could damage Polly's already disfuctional brain...poor Polly!

Lastly, I would greatly appreciate lessons in morse code - us here in the south have issues with spelling you know ;-).