Monday, March 09, 2009

Extra Activities...

As you all know by now, I am trying to spice up life some, which when the weather is gorgeous like it has been the past several days is not so hard. The Human Society finally posted the new orientation days, and I am all set to get started with that next Sunday. I think it might be a nice change in pace will be fun. I'm so excited, after working the worst schedule the last two weeks I am finally going to have about a week off, and I'm THRILLED! I plan to see the neuromuscular clinic, go to the writers group, get through my SPCA orientation, and hopefully enjoy some weather. Alas, those wonderful goals are glimmers of hope at the end of the tunnel since I still have two more days to work before that stretch off.

I know that working three days a week doesn't seem like a lot, but believe me it isn't always a simple three days. For example my schedule has looked like this:

Work: Thurs, Fri,Sat; Off Sunday; Work: Mon, Tue; Off Wednesday; Work Thursday; Off Friday; Work Sat, Sun, Mon; Off Tuesday; Work Wednesday.

Now, another insight - one day off in between shifts is basically like having an extra twelve hours to sleep. On my first day off I'm beat dog tired, and really by the time I get up at 4:30 pm, most of the day is gone, and so are my plans for anything productive. Usually when I get home from work my feel ache, my neck is killing me, the dog wants attention, I haven't eaten or peed in 6 hours, and I'm not thinking straight. I usually refuse to take a shower when I get home (unless really dirty) because I can hear monitor alarms dinging in my ears in the shower (/e shudders at the thought). Some days, er nights are worse then others of course, but all consist of hours on your feet, cleaning up after someone constantly, answering lights, trying to keep your kid from dying on you, and dealing with parents who generally act like 5 year-olds. I'm telling you - I love what I do, but sheeeesh that first day off I don't do much...and so when I have a schedule like above with only one day gaps between can see why you don't hear from me for long stretches!

Haha, thanks for listening to me ramble - I really should do a day in the life of me at would be entertaining.


shrunken_frontal_lobe said...


I see another poor animal becoming a companion for you Clair. Not a good idea. You must resist the urge to save every animal.

And about your job. You should get one like mine. Where every day is a vacation. I can't seem to tell the work days from the idle days. I have so much fun, I'm completely enraptured and consumed by visions of interstitial atoms diffusing through crystal lattice defects. The dissolution and coarsening of small powder particles surrounded by liquid metal causes me to swoon. Modeling the infiltration of porous powder beds with liquids is almost too much to take. I have to go home just to calm down each night.

You should have taken up engineering and science it's much more exciting than keeping people alive!


Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

Hmmm as much as I adore atoms and the like I really don't think I could stand the molding part...If I change my mind I think I'll become an art teacher!

Lauralou said...

He likes it so much, he could sleep there!