I digress.
Seeing as you all liked the Bathrobe Stories so well, it is high time for the unavailing my new collection...the Dr. Horrible stories. Now first I must make a disclaimer. Dr. Horrible was not my idea, for those of you interested do a google search and you can watch the 45minute show that Joss Wheldon made (there is only one iffy part in the laundry-mate for those of you with kids). However, I'm sticking with this title because it so appropriately fits.
Now my collection of Dr. Horrible sagas begin on a quiet weekend afternoon. Dr. Horrible himself sprawled out on the Couch of Death (it sounds so much better to title inanimate objects) watching football. Around the corner chaos broke out when my lovely sister got her head bashed into the corner of the wall as out German Shepard came bolting through the doorway. There was blood, and crying, and the usual commotion that accompanies such events.
Dr. Horrible may have a great many talents, however observation while engrossed in football is not one of them. WOT was calling Dr. Horrible for clean up on isle 3, having to take my sister to the kitchen for a face repair. Soon the floor was clean, the face patched, the tears wiped, and all evidence of the accident removed...but Dr. Horrible had not moved. Five minutes later he came out into the hall saw my sister's face and asked what happened. We all laughed. How he zoned out of all that chaos I will never know - it was selective hearing at its height. Poor Dr. Horrible, at least he does have some amazing super hero powers, we just have to working his skills of observation!
1 comment:
it has been said that truth is stranger than fiction. Q.E.D.
ps - I'm much hotter than that pathetic excuse for a scientist you have in your photo.
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