Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Torque's First Canoe Trip

Oh dog days of summer how I hate thee! Well, except that it gave us an excuse to go canoe-ing. I wasn't sure how Torque would do, but he was a champ!! He LOVED the water, and took right off in it, swimming everywhere, and dunking his hold head under as he bobbed for rocks. He never knocked us over, and sat right between my legs. I think that we'll have to go again soon, because I want him to be use to it before he is 130lbs.

I am so not photogenic, and we happened to be looking into the sun...

It was amazing to look at the devastation on the river from our massive flood. There were chairs, and toys twenty + feet up in trees, and hundreds of the trees that line the river were knocked over. The waters in places were probably close to thirty feet high, I know that sounds like a lot, but it flooded all the houses along the river. Houses that aren't even next to the water! It was sad to see, and definitely made us grateful for what we have, and what we didn't lose.

Note, at the pick up point at the end we were hanging out just waiting for the van, and we found a bone in the water...definitely made me not want to be in the shallows. It looked pretty human, but who knows. I'm sure it was something or someone washed away by the flood. I just don't want to know - but if any of you are aspiring CSI agents I'll be more than willing to let you have a go. ;-)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Fur Toddler has emerged!

Teething has begun in earnest, and I don't know if I can make it through!!! He has been so grouchy, and chewing mostly me. I think some of his toys are so hard that they hurt his mouth instead of helping, so I've tried to refocus him on soft toys. I thought I'd post some new pictures though!!! Last week we went to movies in the park, and Torque had a great time! He was so well behaved, I was impressed. His 1/2 brother in Denmark also just won the World Junior Title, so Molly has a lot of hope that Torque will show very well...I think he will if he'll stop biting my arm off!!

Hope that you have a wonderful end to your Sunday, and I'll send more updates as the week progresses!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday Music Come Back!

I know that it's been a little since I've posted a Monday Music, but I found this artist really liked her, and thought I'd share!! Today poor Torque has had diarrhea, and threw up which was loads of fun...

That said, enjoy the song - I hope that you had a wonderful Monday!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Back to nature

This morning bright and early at 7am Torque and I met my friend Julia, and we went to the farm where she boards her horse. She usually rides every morning, but I showed up after her ride to let the dogs have some fun! Torque loved running through the meadow with the other dogs, and he got all wet and muddy in the pond. I think that this will turn out to be a great tradition!!! Hey, it might even get me back to riding ;-) I won't protest to that!!

Hope that you're getting out, and enjoying your summer! I'm sure you must be since everyone has been so quiet on here. Enjoy the sun, and get some living done!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The simple pleasures of summer

Who wants the office?!

I know that you guys are all sick of listening to me trying to find a new place to live, so I wanted to put your mind at ease. I have found the perfect place, and there is even enough room for you all to visit...I might even let WOT and SFL stay on a more permanent basis.

"...real estate website Redfin recently posted a sales listing on Mr. Obama's current residence - the White House...Redfin had the 55,000 square foot presidential estate listed at $10 million and as being "For Sale by Owner." I actually find this enormously hilarious. Who actually owns the White House, but the American people who technically could sell the house if they wanted to not to mention find a new occupant, which is what part of Redfin's statement insinuated..."Its description adds this: "Not for sale in a strict sense but available for the right person every 4 years with the proper combination of credit, charisma and drive. Special consideration given to applicants with an Electoral College rating of 270 or better." Hahahahahahahaaaa

This news story really made my morning...that and the fact that the story was followed by a story of the President visiting the gulf oil spill, and that he would be returning home (i.e. to the White House) later today. I guess that he'll only return if the property hasn't sold...I wonder if he'd be game for a house trade like in that movie The Holiday? Just wondering!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


I wish I could say that I had been so swamped that I couldn't post, but that wouldn't exactly be the truth. Granted I have been plenty busy, however the main excuse has been sheer laziness.

I've hit up the dog park almost every morning again this week it's been great! Today after the dog park I've run to the grocery, gassed up the car, and cleaned the house before WOT gets here. The realtor wants to show the house, which at least she wants to do before I am busy this afternoon. My friend Lori is also dropping her old Lab Charlie (the girl) here for the weekend, so as you can tell this weekend is going to fly by!

Since I can't manage to do much else I'll post another picture of the monster!! He is 38.5lbs and will be 16 weeks old this next week - Happy birthday Torque!!!

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Learning the ropes

Ah - Life at the dog park!

Oh hey lets play!

I'll get you!!!

Haha, Rocky is so tall he just jumped over Torque.

Nice block Rocky!!

Mom - I made it home!!

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Summer time!

Well this week has flown by! I forgot to mention; mainly because I forgot it was happening, that my sister's fiance's sister (that wasn't confusing now was it) Sarah was coming to live with us for at least a couple weeks if not until August. She is great, and so far so good, but still it has been strange having another person in the house especially one who is home a lot more often than the sis has been. It is all getting evened out though.

The puppy keeps getting bigger by the second, and I wish he would sleep more. One of the girls from work who has been going to the dog park in the mornings with me agreed after she saw him play for about 2 hours and still wasn't tired enough to nap...She said "most 14week puppies still sleep a lot, even in the dog park they usually conk out after awhile" - yeah, no, not my beast haha. He still goes to town. At least she commiserated with me, and how I'm tired because he never is!! Along with the fact that an awake puppy usually equals a puppy getting into trouble.

On another note our house's owner is still trying to sell the property. I still think he is asking to much for it, but we'll see. The realtor is going to try to find an investor who would let us stay in the house, which would be awesome!! Pray that we get a great landlord!

Well, tonight is puppy class night, and the rest of my day is filling up. Right now though I'm sitting here enjoying a sunrise and savoring my coffee...Mmmm life is a-okay...;-)