Friday, August 14, 2009

My first new car!

I have to admit, all the hassle of buying a new car has definately made me want to avoid the process. However, I am glad that I am now the proud owner of the vehicle below! Ain't it cute?

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Anonymous said...

I like it! I hope you took the A/C option =) B.

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

i can't believe you bought such a big vehicle, with such a humungous carbon footprint. the antarctic glaciers have receded at least one mile simply on the news of your purchase. the ozone cries "no zone", and the wholly mastodon's are running north. oh, yeah, i forgot, they already ran north and died anyways.

say, is our climate really changing because of your vehicle? didn't we have ice ages before people were involved? what about warm spells?

well, at least the vehicle is white so it rejects the sunlight and inproves the power output of the local solar cells!


ps-only drive when absolutely necessary, and expel no unnecessary greenhouse gases whist driving.


Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

I didn't like the Mastodons anyway....And what if I want to expel gases while driving? What are you going to do about it?? He!

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

well, we will tax the emissions for one. also, the government will begin to control what we eat in order to reduce expulsion of greenhouse gases. third, it makes my air less breathable and reduces my enjoyment of life. since my lifespan is going to be reduced in the new government health care plan, i want to enjoy every day to the fullest.

so, read my sphincter, NO NEW GASES!


Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

Is sphincter reading like tea leaf reading? Just checking...

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

no, not really.

if the sphincter is closed it means nothing is being communicated.

if the sphincter is moving, well then...