Thursday, July 02, 2009

Pre-fourth Fun

While most people are stocking up on burgers, hot dogs, chips, drinks, and everything that makes your 4th of July a wonderful celebration I am at work.

I usually don't mind working my holidays, but as funny as it sounds I've never had to work the 4th. Somehow I want that burger and to watch some fire works; I think I may miss it more than I miss working Christmas...That is sad I know. Please eat tons of yummy food for me, as I'll be sleeping my way through the festivities, and try to hold off of the fireworks until after I wake up, thanks!

I'll post more later - I have a screaming child to wrestle ;-)

1 comment:

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

well be eating kansas city ribeyes, pasta salad, corn, other stuff, chocolate eclair cake, yellow carbonated beverages, etc.

we'll give a yell your way!

love, sfl