Wednesday, July 08, 2009


This is why when I started night shift two years ago (wow it doesn't feel like it's been that long) I decided to try to keep on a night shift schedule on my days off, because getting four hours of sleep 1-2 times a week in order to switch back to day shift when you're off just stinks!!

Night shift this time around has not been quite as bad, but it has definitely been a lot more exhausting than day shift was. Fortunately I have gotten much more use to switching back and forth which has made my night sleeping so much better. Usually though I end up sleeping four hours the morning after I work, getting up and trying to stay awake so that I can sleep that night. Then when I sleep at night I'm soooo exhausted from all the four hour days that my body wants to sleep for 14 hours. Haha, it's definitely feast or famine around here!

There is the possibility of working straight weekend day shift. Which I am seriously contemplating. I think I might give it at least one more rotation to see, and then pursue it. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers as I've been trying to sort things out. I have felt so much better than I was. We're keeping on keeping on!!

I'm leaving for my parent's house one week from yesterday, and I can't wait!! Although, I know I will miss the kitten when I have to leave him ;-) WOT and SFL will have a ball of energy on their hands, and I expect updates!!


shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

where is gack!

where is gack!

where is gack!

Jess said...
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