Friday, July 31, 2009

Just one of those days

First off - I must apologize for my annoying and repeated use of the word "so" in my last was obnoxious when I went back to re-read it.

I am usually not opposed to work, and for the most part don't mind going. However, there are some days/nights/shifts where I just want to leave, go to my bed and sleep for the next 24 hours. Tonight is one of those nights. I was in a grouchy mood, and I just didn't feel like having to deal with my sick patient. Work, while rewarding can be very demanding, and if you can't fully invest in your patient's care it can make the night doubly hard. On a positive note - only four more hours to shift change. Can I hear an "amen", "wooooot", or some exclamatory phrase? Hehe...

I've thought of doing some health/procedure/equipment education. I think it would be fun to do some research on some common things I see at work. Hmm, I'll have to think about it. If any of you have a question you're dying to have answered let me know, although I don't promise to have the answer!

No work tomorrow!!! YEAH!!! Cough, cough. Okay, now back to work...

1 comment:

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

i have nothing i'm dying for.

however from the sounds of it, you have patients who might be dying for a new nurse!