First off - I must apologize for my annoying and repeated use of the word "so" in my last was obnoxious when I went back to re-read it.
I am usually not opposed to work, and for the most part don't mind going. However, there are some days/nights/shifts where I just want to leave, go to my bed and sleep for the next 24 hours. Tonight is one of those nights. I was in a grouchy mood, and I just didn't feel like having to deal with my sick patient. Work, while rewarding can be very demanding, and if you can't fully invest in your patient's care it can make the night doubly hard. On a positive note - only four more hours to shift change. Can I hear an "amen", "wooooot", or some exclamatory phrase? Hehe...
I've thought of doing some health/procedure/equipment education. I think it would be fun to do some research on some common things I see at work. Hmm, I'll have to think about it. If any of you have a question you're dying to have answered let me know, although I don't promise to have the answer!
No work tomorrow!!! YEAH!!! Cough, cough. Okay, now back to work...
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Back Again!
Whew. It is good to be back! Between my poor car fiasco, visiting the family, almost missing my flight home due to airport delays, and spending the last three days working I not been able to force myself to post.
When I woke up today though, I cleaned my house which was SO needed. Then I decided with some dinner in my belly that I could and should attempt to get on here for an update!
The vacation to my parents was SO much fun. I got to see some of the cousins and grandparents also. I even made it to a Civil War Reenactment, which I'll have to get the pictures from my friend Jess, and then post a couple on here so you can see them. It was the nicest weekend for it. Partly cloudy, 80s, and low humidity. I must admit that I enjoyed every minute! ;-)
The Kitten and my parents cats are doing amazingly well adapting, so we'll see! Hopefully, they will settle in. I do miss the bugger a little, but Polly (DOT's cat) is glad that he's gone. Not to mention - I have a puppy to look forward to around Christmas. I heard from the breeder yesterday that the mommy dog still hasn't gone into heat yet, but as soon as she does we'll hopefully be hearing the good news that "we're expecting"!
My car is repaired and back to normal, WOOT!!! It is so nice to have it back...
I am so ready to be back on day shift Sunday - it has been an exhausting six weeks, and I think I will need to sleep 24hrs a day just to catch up on all my sleep ;-).
I had to renew my CPR/BLS (basic life support) this week, which was no big deal aside from having class all afternoon then going and working all night. The 5th of August though I have to renew my PALS (pediatric advanced life support), and I'm a little nervous because its a very hard class/test. I can't work without it though, so I'm studying a bit for that, and I'll let you know how it goes.
Speaking of CPR. Funny story. At work this morning around 0600 (am for those of you not on military time), my patient started coughing. Now, she liked to drop her heart rate from a normal rate of 100+ beats/minute to a heart rate in the 60s (bradycardia) whenever she coughed or you messed with her ventilator. This wasn't a good thing, and technically we do CPR on all pediatric patients with heart rates <60bpm,>
Ok, sorry for the length of this post, but I promise I'll be posting more soon!! Stay tuned!
When I woke up today though, I cleaned my house which was SO needed. Then I decided with some dinner in my belly that I could and should attempt to get on here for an update!
The vacation to my parents was SO much fun. I got to see some of the cousins and grandparents also. I even made it to a Civil War Reenactment, which I'll have to get the pictures from my friend Jess, and then post a couple on here so you can see them. It was the nicest weekend for it. Partly cloudy, 80s, and low humidity. I must admit that I enjoyed every minute! ;-)
The Kitten and my parents cats are doing amazingly well adapting, so we'll see! Hopefully, they will settle in. I do miss the bugger a little, but Polly (DOT's cat) is glad that he's gone. Not to mention - I have a puppy to look forward to around Christmas. I heard from the breeder yesterday that the mommy dog still hasn't gone into heat yet, but as soon as she does we'll hopefully be hearing the good news that "we're expecting"!
My car is repaired and back to normal, WOOT!!! It is so nice to have it back...
I am so ready to be back on day shift Sunday - it has been an exhausting six weeks, and I think I will need to sleep 24hrs a day just to catch up on all my sleep ;-).
I had to renew my CPR/BLS (basic life support) this week, which was no big deal aside from having class all afternoon then going and working all night. The 5th of August though I have to renew my PALS (pediatric advanced life support), and I'm a little nervous because its a very hard class/test. I can't work without it though, so I'm studying a bit for that, and I'll let you know how it goes.
Speaking of CPR. Funny story. At work this morning around 0600 (am for those of you not on military time), my patient started coughing. Now, she liked to drop her heart rate from a normal rate of 100+ beats/minute to a heart rate in the 60s (bradycardia) whenever she coughed or you messed with her ventilator. This wasn't a good thing, and technically we do CPR on all pediatric patients with heart rates <60bpm,>
Ok, sorry for the length of this post, but I promise I'll be posting more soon!! Stay tuned!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Lighten the moooood
Because I know you're all Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus fans ;-) I thought this might make you laugh. A friend showed me this video, and if you don't know what the original looked like just do another search for the Hannah Montana movie; it makes this remake even funnier. After the day I had I needed a laugh, and after reading my post I'm sure you all need one too!!
Finally an answered question...
You know how when you're young you have so many questions that may be trivial, and usually aren't answered? Well, I had one of those questions answered today.
Question: How do all those giant orange free standing road construction signs get all scrapped up, you know - with the corners bent and such?
Answer: People hit them! People like me.
The true story is that today after getting gas at the station pretty near my house my car wouldn't start. So, after eliminating several possible problem, and even attempting to jump start it just in case I called AAA who graciously came out to see what was up. A solid thump to the under belly of my car while I was turning it on allowed my car to start. Hoping to not have to be towed, I opted to try to drive it to my auto repair place after the AAA guy diagnosed it as a probable fuel pump failure. Well...I almost made it to the dealership...About two exits from the shop I felt the pump fail and the car start to coast. Knowing this might happen I was already in the right hand lane of the highway, and threw on my 4way blinkers as I went to break.
Sheer dread mixed with panic when I realized that I was breaking and the car wasn't stopping. Not only that, but I was approaching an orange highway sign. I still calmly decided that I'd coast around the sign then back onto the shoulder since the car was still moving. My adrenaline was defiantly going at this point. I went to gently steer the car around the sign to find that my steering wheel was locked. I calmly FREAKED. It was all an internal freaking that included my repeated hitting the breaks, shifting the car into neutral, trying the break some more, and ultimately hitting the giant sign. Let me just say that those things a pretty big up close. It bashed in my right mirror shattering the glass, and at this point I wasn't sure what it did to my paint. I could only imagine an orange streak running the length of my car (shudders). I'm still coasting, although I've slowed down quite a bit, and I see another sign up ahead. I know you shouldn't do this, but please I didn't know what else to try; I threw the car into park, but STILL it kept rolling, so back to neutral I put it thinking that this might be one of those times like in the movie Speed where I cut a hole in my frame and lower myself out of the car. Finally, I managed to get the parking break up, and we stopped. It took me a minute for my hands to stop shaking, haha - don't laugh - yours would have been too!
Sorry for the long story, but in the end my car was safely towed I was picked up by my sister, and there was only a tiny scratch from hitting the sign (aside from the broken mirror). WOOT! Unfortunately, I'm suppose to work tomorrow through Tuesday before I leave to see my family. My car won't even get looked at until Monday, and depending on whats wrong I may or may not be trying to get a new car...Oh the joys....
The nice AAA lady was so sweet and when I called the second time she was like "Awww, sweety you're just having a bad day aren't you!" That was the understatement of the year...It could have been worse, and I've been able to laugh about it, so I guess it could have been worse. I will keep you updated on whether or not my car is getting repaired or if I'm getting a used car...
Question: How do all those giant orange free standing road construction signs get all scrapped up, you know - with the corners bent and such?
Answer: People hit them! People like me.
The true story is that today after getting gas at the station pretty near my house my car wouldn't start. So, after eliminating several possible problem, and even attempting to jump start it just in case I called AAA who graciously came out to see what was up. A solid thump to the under belly of my car while I was turning it on allowed my car to start. Hoping to not have to be towed, I opted to try to drive it to my auto repair place after the AAA guy diagnosed it as a probable fuel pump failure. Well...I almost made it to the dealership...About two exits from the shop I felt the pump fail and the car start to coast. Knowing this might happen I was already in the right hand lane of the highway, and threw on my 4way blinkers as I went to break.
Sheer dread mixed with panic when I realized that I was breaking and the car wasn't stopping. Not only that, but I was approaching an orange highway sign. I still calmly decided that I'd coast around the sign then back onto the shoulder since the car was still moving. My adrenaline was defiantly going at this point. I went to gently steer the car around the sign to find that my steering wheel was locked. I calmly FREAKED. It was all an internal freaking that included my repeated hitting the breaks, shifting the car into neutral, trying the break some more, and ultimately hitting the giant sign. Let me just say that those things a pretty big up close. It bashed in my right mirror shattering the glass, and at this point I wasn't sure what it did to my paint. I could only imagine an orange streak running the length of my car (shudders). I'm still coasting, although I've slowed down quite a bit, and I see another sign up ahead. I know you shouldn't do this, but please I didn't know what else to try; I threw the car into park, but STILL it kept rolling, so back to neutral I put it thinking that this might be one of those times like in the movie Speed where I cut a hole in my frame and lower myself out of the car. Finally, I managed to get the parking break up, and we stopped. It took me a minute for my hands to stop shaking, haha - don't laugh - yours would have been too!
Sorry for the long story, but in the end my car was safely towed I was picked up by my sister, and there was only a tiny scratch from hitting the sign (aside from the broken mirror). WOOT! Unfortunately, I'm suppose to work tomorrow through Tuesday before I leave to see my family. My car won't even get looked at until Monday, and depending on whats wrong I may or may not be trying to get a new car...Oh the joys....
The nice AAA lady was so sweet and when I called the second time she was like "Awww, sweety you're just having a bad day aren't you!" That was the understatement of the year...It could have been worse, and I've been able to laugh about it, so I guess it could have been worse. I will keep you updated on whether or not my car is getting repaired or if I'm getting a used car...
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
This is why when I started night shift two years ago (wow it doesn't feel like it's been that long) I decided to try to keep on a night shift schedule on my days off, because getting four hours of sleep 1-2 times a week in order to switch back to day shift when you're off just stinks!!
Night shift this time around has not been quite as bad, but it has definitely been a lot more exhausting than day shift was. Fortunately I have gotten much more use to switching back and forth which has made my night sleeping so much better. Usually though I end up sleeping four hours the morning after I work, getting up and trying to stay awake so that I can sleep that night. Then when I sleep at night I'm soooo exhausted from all the four hour days that my body wants to sleep for 14 hours. Haha, it's definitely feast or famine around here!
There is the possibility of working straight weekend day shift. Which I am seriously contemplating. I think I might give it at least one more rotation to see, and then pursue it. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers as I've been trying to sort things out. I have felt so much better than I was. We're keeping on keeping on!!
I'm leaving for my parent's house one week from yesterday, and I can't wait!! Although, I know I will miss the kitten when I have to leave him ;-) WOT and SFL will have a ball of energy on their hands, and I expect updates!!
Night shift this time around has not been quite as bad, but it has definitely been a lot more exhausting than day shift was. Fortunately I have gotten much more use to switching back and forth which has made my night sleeping so much better. Usually though I end up sleeping four hours the morning after I work, getting up and trying to stay awake so that I can sleep that night. Then when I sleep at night I'm soooo exhausted from all the four hour days that my body wants to sleep for 14 hours. Haha, it's definitely feast or famine around here!
There is the possibility of working straight weekend day shift. Which I am seriously contemplating. I think I might give it at least one more rotation to see, and then pursue it. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers as I've been trying to sort things out. I have felt so much better than I was. We're keeping on keeping on!!
I'm leaving for my parent's house one week from yesterday, and I can't wait!! Although, I know I will miss the kitten when I have to leave him ;-) WOT and SFL will have a ball of energy on their hands, and I expect updates!!
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Note to you...
I am too tired...
too tired to type...
too tired to think of something to type...
not too tired to think about how much I want to be back on day shift...
this is all I have for you, while I sit at work...
perhaps when I'm trying to recover tomorrow I'll think of something genius to post...
until then...
too bad.
too tired to type...
too tired to think of something to type...
not too tired to think about how much I want to be back on day shift...
this is all I have for you, while I sit at work...
perhaps when I'm trying to recover tomorrow I'll think of something genius to post...
until then...
too bad.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Pre-fourth Fun
While most people are stocking up on burgers, hot dogs, chips, drinks, and everything that makes your 4th of July a wonderful celebration I am at work.
I usually don't mind working my holidays, but as funny as it sounds I've never had to work the 4th. Somehow I want that burger and to watch some fire works; I think I may miss it more than I miss working Christmas...That is sad I know. Please eat tons of yummy food for me, as I'll be sleeping my way through the festivities, and try to hold off of the fireworks until after I wake up, thanks!
I'll post more later - I have a screaming child to wrestle ;-)
I usually don't mind working my holidays, but as funny as it sounds I've never had to work the 4th. Somehow I want that burger and to watch some fire works; I think I may miss it more than I miss working Christmas...That is sad I know. Please eat tons of yummy food for me, as I'll be sleeping my way through the festivities, and try to hold off of the fireworks until after I wake up, thanks!
I'll post more later - I have a screaming child to wrestle ;-)
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Other funny kittens!
My friend Jess suggested this video after my latest posting about the grapes. I suppose that I'm glad that Gack isn't like that about grapes.....
Guilty pleasure
Is he not the cutest!! He fell asleep yesterday like this, and my hand was the only thing keeping him from falling off. He was still breathing through his little mouth, poor man. Today though his nose is free and open, and he is playing a 100miles a minute. I'll have to post something else later, but I thought the cuteness was to irresistible to wait!
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