Sunday, October 16, 2011

Poor Hand

Thursday I got a nasty hit to the hand in Fencing class. I actually thought I broke my hand when Friday I tried to work and was miserable. I could hardly put gloves on, and writing - my handwriting turned even scarier!

Fortunately, when I went Saturday to get xrays I found that there was no break. I think it's mainly just a bad bone bruise with some tendon and ligament soreness. I get to wear a fun little hand brace, and every day it's feeling a bit better. I'm hoping by the end of the week to be fully healed.

If only my shoulder felt the same. Good grief - I'm a mess! I'd like to have a week free of injury thank you.

Being off work for my hand has felt weird. Not that I've done anything but putts around the house, but it feels like it should be Tuesday or something. I'm not use to the extra days off!!!

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