Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Fall is Hiking Weather!

Today I decided to skip Zumba, and hit up a nice little wooded trail close to the house. It's about a mile I think, paved, and no crazy hills just a nice relaxing walk in the brisk morning. I put Torque's pack on, and for the first time added some water bottles to it. I was going for 1.5lb per side for a total of 3lbs carrying. Eventually we'll get to around 30lbs, if I feel like hiking that much hehe. I hope that you're enjoying the nice Fall days before Winter arrives!!


sfl said...

poor torque.

already starting the life of work at such a young and fragile age. reminds me of the stories of the young children pressed into working the sweatshops at the beginning of the industrial revolution.

poor, poor torque.

i call on everyone to boycott dog harness manufacturers everywhere!

Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

You do that.

Let me know how it goes for you.