Sunday, July 17, 2011

Finally catching up!

I did not take my computer with me on my vacation up to Pennsylvania, hence the shocking lack of posts, and I apologize. I'm here now though, and fully prepared with pictures, and updates!!

It takes me about 14 hours to drive up the Parental Guardian's house, and I left July 5th. I returned home on the 14th exhausted, and immediately went into my work weekend. Lets just say there was a lot of diarrhea, and that I'm glad to have been put on call for today. Okay, okay, back to my trip.

First, there was yard saleing. WOT is a beast! I really won't be able to do justice to her. There is ranting, fevered races to the next sale in the hope of beating out competing salers, and bartering. She is transformed into a different women entirely, the world beware! I prepared us cups of ice coffee, because our first sale was at 7am. Yum!

Mmm, and can I just interject here that Northern Summers are the best ever. Morning lows of 50, with afternoon highs in the 70s-80s. Low humidity. Beauty. I don't know why anyone lives where I do, if they knew better they'd run North. Just saying. Now back to your regularly scheduled programing!

THEN, as if you can have more fun in one week; I went up to New York for a Civil War Reenactment. Let us pause here, and reflect.........Okay, it was so fun! I even got to see my annual Secret Mumford Crush. Odd I know, I have no idea who he is. Haha, and no I will not answer questions about him. There is nothing to tell it is solely long distance and single sided. Enjoy! (mmm note, I didn't take these pictures, one of my friends and a girl who reenacts too took all of them - isn't she amazing!)

Three days of bliss. Hot, sweaty, bloody bliss. I always appreciate my running water after a weekend of hauling 5-10gal buckets of the wet stuff.

When I got home Monday WOT was on her way to pick up my cousin who was coming for the week too. We had a blast! He has grown up so much, and we had such fun sharing stories, and getting to know each other better. It's funny how sometimes we overlook the most amazing people sitting in our lives - I was thrilled to have him visit at the same time as me!

See that plane way out there?? We had a bet that I couldn't hit it with a golf ball. I told him that he'd regret that bet....
And he did...

We also went to our favorite goat farm where they make their own cheeses. Oh, they're amazing! The owner always lets us go pet the goats. These ones are yearlings she said, they aren't producing milk.


Lots of beans.

(we didn't mean to match...actually I hadn't realized we both wore white until I uploaded this picture)

Torque even helped by pulling out bean ends from the trash and chewing then spitting them out all over the floor!

We made Dilly-Beans!!

There was Fruit Slush - an ageless summer favorite - so delish!!!!

Oh, and then there was the car show! I love this picture, SFL is actually smiling! Then again who wouldn't smile when looking at a giant retired military transport vehicle. I'm just saying. Gives one butterflies.

I think I've over done my picture posting limit for the afternoon. However I will post more if you faithful readers would like. I hope you're all enjoying the summer just as much as I!!


Louber said...

So good to hear about the trip, and get an update on WOT and SFL while you're at it. Love you and the fam to pieces...

Anonymous said...

huge, six-wheel drive diesel vehicles are something every family should own.

Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

Haha amen!