Wednesday, July 27, 2011

To die.

I would just like to express how I feel right now. My legs feel like jello, you know the cherry flavored stuff that moves like a belly dancer when you poke it. Yep, that about sums it up. Oh, and pain. The pain. I'm working on drinking water as it should help. I'm also thinking that this whole working out plan is slightly over rated. Why have I come to such a conclusion? Let me take you back an hour....

I thought that this Zumba/toning class was a good idea, and I suppose in theory it is. I mean, when the world infastrusture collapses I would like to be able to haul water, and stuff. You know survival of the fittest came from somewhere! However, on our third cycle of squats with shoulder presses, a 5lb weight in each hand I was not so sure. Let just say that with all the combos of squats that we did I think I bent my knees and stuck my hinny out at least 200 times. Oh, and that doesn't include the 75 crunches, and the side raises that we did. Oh heaven help me I may die.

Normal Zumba is cardio, with some muscle building included straight into the moves. It's just fun!! I am normally a little sore mainly in my core. Well, that was nothing compared to this class. I guess that it's good for me, and I guess that I want to build muscle, but sheesh I sure wish I could get there laying on a raft sipping a pina colada.

The End.


Anonymous said...

suck it up!


drop and give me twenty you slack-jawed sniveling half-human poser!

no pain, no gain.

don't yell at me, that's what WOT tells me every time i start working out.

Anonymous said...

My innocence is impuned at every posting of SFL...but my courage rises at every attempt to intimidate me. Good old Lizzy - she gives me many good rebuttals to SFL. I hope you can sleep tonight in spite of your pain, honey.
Much love,