Saturday, June 11, 2011

On the Mend

I'm not working this weekend, and it feels so weird.

I wish I was...sorta.

I'm definitely still sore, but I've been managing well with Motrin and hot/cold packs. Unfortunately there's no way I'd make it through a 14 hour day of standing and lifting. It stinks though, because it's not like I'm spending the weekend doing something fun (i.e. hiking, canoeing, letting Torque play, getting together with friends), no I'm at home sitting on the computer, or watching TV.

I will say that I'm glad today is my last day to go feed the farm crew. While it's been fun this has been a bad week for it, and its almost an hour each way. I won't miss that! Tomorrow they get home and will pick up Rooty too. Yeah!!! One more thing back to normal.

I'm hoping to know Monday if the car is actually totalled. Seeing that there is a whole in the side of my car it seems likely, however there is a chance it won't be. In that case I don't know what will happen because it would need such extensive work. It sucks that I'm missing agility class Monday because I can't haul Torque in the rental car. Oh well, we'll wait and see.

It's been fun having DOT here to help me. She's made dinners, driven with me to the farm to feed everyone, and generally just hung out. She heads home today to get back to her hubby, and all the work she has there. We will miss her - her visits are great!

Ok, more later I'm sure!!

1 comment:

sfl said...

WOT speaks not for fear of being quoted here. Pity, she has the most interesting things to say.

glad to hear you are starting to mend, although it will take time, and rest, as every good nurse knows.

it's tough not knowing about the car, but if they do fix it, you can rest assured it will be up to factory specs in every way. the insurance company will demand that much, and we all know they can be tough when they want to.

poor torque will be without porque, and feeling ever so lonely. but gack will be happy for the intruder to be gone.

WOT needs you to call her and talk. she picked up some great yard sale deals.