Wednesday, June 01, 2011

New Olympic Sport.

In honor of going canoeing today, I am posting one of the funnest videos I've seen in awhile. A friend found this, I take no credit. However, I will say that since this guy came from where SFL use to work I think that SFL should consider this as a sign for what his new hobby should be. Just saying!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tell that guy to get a life. what a waste!

i can assure you i will NEVER do that. NEVER.

now WOT is chastising me for not being warm and cuddly. for not being more understanding of SPOT's feeling's and her interests. WOT wants me to embrace the posting, to feel it is valuable, encouraging, uplifting of the human experience. *a gaseous hissing noise is now being made*

i think he is among those who have wasted their life on worthless endeavors.

crackerize him!