Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

It is hard to believe that another year has come and gone!! I had started another post about some of the stuff that I've been going through this Fall, but I think a summary would do. This Fall has been very challenging for me, as with any move it can be hard to get adjusted, and I think that I have been dealing with a good bit of lonelyness. However, I am hoping to be on the upward swing, with some help from my God and my amazing family. I will keep you updated as I try to make a concious effort to get out of the house on my days off and do some fun activities to stay connected with people. I think that God has been doing some work on my heart to, which hasn't been fun, but it has been good, and I know that the outcome will be worth it!! One thing that was helpful during this season, was a book that my mom had been asking me to read since this summer. Sometimes there are just perfect times to read things, and the Shack was definately a book I needed to read now. If you haven't read it I would recommend that you do. I know that you may have heard some conflicting comments about it, and it may not really be in your "religous" comfort zone. However, if you want a book that will stretch you, and open your eyes to a different view of God then you may ever have had then you'll like this book. Hehe, that was my little push for my newest read ;-).

Otherwise, we were able to enjoy some days with my parents prior to Christmas which was soo fun. I am a very fortunate person to have an amazing family that excluding occasional spats really gets along very well. Although Christmas hasn't really seemed like what it was when I was a kid, it definately is still wonderful as long as you're with the people you love. I hope that you all have a blessed holiday season, and a fabulous start to your New Year.

1 comment:

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

it's great to hear your family has been such a source of support for you, even through those "occasional spats". *whatever that means* Oh how I long for such a family; one that t is always there for you, always providing useful propaganda, always feeding off your generosity, forever spatting at a moments notice. one minute you're happily puzzle-pirating, the next minute, spat, spat, spatting to beat the band...

yes indeed, family is so helpful...
