Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Spring Break is Here!!

Well, Spring Break has officially started, and I'm sitting here waiting to eat some soup. Tomorrow I leave to meet the Family in FL for a little R&R. It should be a blast, and yet I don't feel like I "need" to leave. I'm going to miss the roommates & Katty sooooo much, but its only four days. I guess that I was hit with the realization that this is what it is gonna be like (with everyone leaving) in three months! Ack! I can't believe how much I love the people here, and it is hard because I want to see everyone at home too because I miss them all. Oh well, it'll all turn out...

Ummm, my soup is sooo good....I need to do laundry, pack, sleep, neaten up the apt., etc. Man, I'm spacing out! *lol* Alright, sleep well all I'm going to finish eating then crash...YES, BREAK IS HERE!!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Revolt of the Tonsil....

There once was a happy pair of tonsils that lived in the back of Jess' throat. One day after they were abused by being forced to go running in the cold, and riddled by a cough the one tonsil decided that he did not want to be a tonsil anymore. However, since he is attached to the back of the throat he could do nothing but hurt, and nothing the second tonsil said could make the first tonsil change his mind.

Was that not a fabulous story? The great part is that it is the true story of my throat. Eventually, (when I get the number of the office) I will make it to the doctor. Oh well, I'll survive...

Also, this weekend in an optional (Fri - Sat) conference for the Joseph Company. This JoCo conference is geared toward teens and college age kids who are interested in bringing the Kingdom of God into the Market/Business Place. Us as interns can go if we want, so I am. The only downside is that I have to be up early all weekend...:-P...

Today we went and spent all morning wittnessing at the St. Patrick's Day Parade. Around two hundred IHOP-ers went, and we did a variety of things. We had a drum circle, handed out candy, did prophetic evangelism, etc. It was cool, and there were around 200,000 people there; it is like the second largest St. Patrick's Day Parade in the US. I went with three other girls from the Internship, and we handed out candy and tracts about St. Patrick. It was good, but hard too. Fortunately not too much alcohol had been consumed before we left, although we did get some comments from people especially guys. Ack!! That was a time I wished I had a six foot guy standing beside me, and yet I did have God, so I guess that counts! LOL!

Alright, I must go eat some dinner, and then I'm gonna go Wait on God with a group of interns. That should be fun. But anyway, have a great night all!!

Monday, March 14, 2005

Healing and Prophetic Conference

Yeah, I've been pretty tired this week with the conference, and yet today (although we stayed up late playing around) I've felt great. You can pray for us though, we're learning (via hands on experience) about healing as a Comm Group, and it has been frustrating and yet faith building. Tonight is choir and I'm so excited. Tiffany (a roommate) and I are the only interns doing choir, but I don't care cause it's fun! We're doing A Mighty Fortress, and I'm singing Second Seprano (?spelling?). Anyway, we're starting to prepare for tornado season which starts in three weeks (i.e. getting batteries for the apt. radios, etc.), so that should be fun...In a week is our four day Easter Vacation (I'm meeting the family in FL), that is the half way mark of the internship I can't believe it!!!! I'm so sad, because it is so great to be here, and although school is good I think that I'm really going to miss it here. Yet, it is not like IHOP is going to fall off the face of the earth (at least I hope not! lol), so I can still come back; and yet....*sigh*

It has also been crazy as we're studying the End Times, to know that we're pretty much all going to be martyred (spelling?) . Isn't that weird? Yes, that has always (and to some extent still is) a hard thing to think about, and yet God is good, and He is still teaching me. Oh, well more thoughts on that later I'm sure. Now I have to go get ready for choir!


Thursday, March 10, 2005

Breaking the Fast!!!

Yes! It is Wednesday night, and I'm sitting at the table eating Ramen soup. Once again the Global Bridegroom Fast was this week, and since we just started the monthly fasting teams (they are of course optional), and I signed up for Sunday - I FASTED 4 WHOLE DAYS!!! Yippy! God was so good, and gave so much grace that it really was not that hard for me.

There was another suprise this week, my sister. Audrey showed up Sat. completely un-announced and played an early April Fools on me! She's on her spring break from school, and so we've had a great time hanging out. She did the internship last spring, and has been introducing me to some of her friends here that I didn't know. Anyway, that will definately go in as the all-time record Best Suprise Ever.

Continuing on - We had our first night dancing in IHOP, and it was so scary at first. However, by the end of the night we had so much FUN!!! The room engaged so well with us, and it was fun to just let go and dance how I felt.

This weekend is our first conference (the Healing & Prophetic conference), so it's gonna be insanely busy, but good. Our intern worship teams also get to play in IHOP Friday and Sat. nights, for Keep the Fire Burning, because the conference is at IHOP's new church building. That should be fun...Anyway, our schedule changes completely, so I'll try to post something on Sunday night to tell how the conference went. Well, I'm glad that I finally got to post something, and I hope that you all have a great night!

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Long Time No Post

Yeah, so here is my explanation for my lack of posts...THE INTERNET STINKS!!!!! Whew! I feel better now. I have tried to post two bloggs, and both times (because I'm not a quick learner, & didn't save them) they were erased as the internet connection went down. ARG!!! Anyway, at least I can't complain about the weather which is suppose to be 73 tomorrow. Yes, be jealous all you snow bunnies of NY...*ducks as flying objects such as rotten vegetatables come flying at her head*....

Well, I'm soundly convinced that EoC class is my favorite class. Yeah, I got too excited talking to my mom about it the other day. After an animated conversation on my part, I got off the phone and my Comm leader (Katty) pronounce that I was a preacher. Can't a girl get excited! LOL! Hopefully this coming week will be good, because starting Sunday (my new fasting team day) I'll be fasting four days (Sunday combined w/Global Bridegroom Fast). Four days will be once again a new record for me. Then Thursday is the St. Patrick's Day parade, and I'm not sure yet if I'm gonna help with out reach ministry, because Friday, Saturday, and Sunday is our first conference. Combined, this week is going to be busy! Ok, I'll try to post again later today with more of the news, because I'm getting ready to go to Grid Class. Have a great day!