Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Training on the Trail

Today was a great day for a hike! I figure that since Torque's new pack is on the way we should get a little more serious about it. I also realized how woefully un-conditioned I am to hike 10 miles. We did about 5-6miles today and I thought I might die on some of the hills. Granted there were a lot of hills.

Torque loved it though. However, we'll have to work more on following me, and not having me correct him 1/2 the trail because he wants to pull me along

Some girls from work came with me, and brought their dogs - it was a blast!

Once he is 18mo old we can start adding weight to his pack, but for now we'll just try to train empty. To train you're suppose to start with 5lbs of weight in the dogs pack, and increase by 5lbs every week until you're 20-30% of their body weight. Every week they're suppose to do 1-3miles/day with at least one of those days wearing the pack. You're trying to train to 3-4 times a week they wear the pack on the 1-3 mile hike. THEN...after 1 month you should be to doing at least 1 trek with they're pack per 2 weeks. The trek should be 2/3s of the event distance (usually that means 6-7 miles).

We did 5-6 miles today with no pack, and I think we're both a little beaten. I should have eaten breakfast before going not just drank my coffee, but I got into a cleaning frenzy and forgot. I think that would have helped my energy level. I also joined the city meet up club for hiking, so we can get in on some good hikes, and find out where the best places to hike are. Woot for getting out and doing cardio NOT on a treadmill!

In the coming week I'll try to photograph my assembling of a Bivvy pack for my bag - I am going to train with that on, just like a real hike. Yeah for blogging again - sorry I've been gone for awhile - it's nice to be back!!


Anonymous said...

you sound like you have the same syndrome as WOT, Hill walking fatigue syndrome.

ask WOT what about the situation this pertains to. it is a CLASSIC example. it's worth the question.

Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

ROFL - I love WOT....and SFL I have recently learned of a nursing conference on frontal lobes and function...I am thinking of going and thought you might appreciate that.