I just got back Saturday from a week long trip to learn Wilderness Medicine from NOLS/WMI (National Outdoor Leadership School/Wilderness Medicine Institute). It was one of the best courses I have ever taken. There are lots of different types of classes for every level of education. The class I took was for medical professionals, and it was great. The commrodery was fun, the hands on learning was top knotch, and the teachers had year of experience both in the medical world as well as actually doing wilderness medicine. I wish I had more pictures to share, but I do have one.

I got to be demo girl for dressing wounds. It's amazing how realistic a sharpie will seem. At first I didn't think it looked like a wound at all, just a red line down my arm. But when we did the dressing it looked just like one - it was sweeeeeet. The only down side was that when our teacher Jason when to trim the steri strips with trauma sheers he accidentally nicked my arm too. Haha I told WOT the maiming had begun. I never told Jason, I didn't want him to feel bad over it - I mean really it barely bled, and didn't hurt - and I mean heck - I already had an awesome dressing over it! ;-)
sounds like a great time!
did they also teach you how to cut your pant legs off to makes shorts?
Haha, ah no - I should sue for inadaquate preperation
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