Speaking of catching up - Torque turned a year old on the 22nd. Isn't that crazy! It's been the longest and shortest year ever. He is about 27 inches tall at the shoulder, and 105 lbs. Over this next year he'll fill out more, and hopefully he'll get a brain ;-). Right now he's still all brawn no brain. Dispite that fact we're testing for his CGC (Canine Good Citizen) tonight!! We'll see if he passes. I hope he does so that we can do the next level of obedience classes. I think we're also going to try some agility just for fun, I'll let you know how that goes.
When we got up to the parents house we got to enjoy all their snow! We had so much fun!! We did a lot of goofing off and hanging out. I convinced them to go bowling one evening, which was a blast, but dad and I got wooped by the Dominator (mom) as we called her the rest of the night. It was shamefull...We also went to visit the Museum of Western Art on the weekend because it was free. What a well done exibit!! There were about four floors of western art from old as well as contempory artists, and everything from painting to a collection of old period guns. How fun!! I should have done better and got pictures, but oh well - we were there, I swear!
As for the wine tasting we only went to two wineries, but they were fun. We also got to check out a local distillery - it was unique and definately worth going to. We had a blast!!
Also - as you can see my flowers have survived snow and cold all winter - amazing!
it's nice that Torque takes his hat off to drive...
Haha I know isn't it?! It's so that other drivers can see around his head.
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