Thursday, November 26, 2009

Gobble, gobble, gobble!

Happy Celebration of Survival!! You know - Thanksgiving is the celebration that the pilgrims hadn't all died off in the new land....sort of...

I know so many people who will bash on holidays of any sort; saying that the history is all off, and it's just a mindless ritual. Aren't things what you make them to be? I think God loves holidays. Why?? Because God gave the Israelites TONS of celebrations and holidays, and had them set up pillars in remembrance of important days in they're lives. How cool would it be if we all had personal holidays. What if we actually took time to specifically remember and celebrate the good things that God has done in our lives? Just like the fact that Thanksgiving is a great time to look back at our blessings, and enjoy family; there are times in my life where I could look back and see what I've come through!!

I hope that today is a wonderfully fun day for you all - that you feel blessed, and that you can thank the Lord for many lessons learned, blessings received, and hope for the future.


Caris said...

You're so right, Jess! Great post! =)

Jess said...

Awesome always. ;)

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

yes, we should celebrate and remember the pillar of salt, a moving example of womanly disobedience that Lot's wife gave for us.

i'll never look at table salt again without smiling.

thanks for the encouragement Clair!

Anonymous said...

Forgive my late arrival on this one. I've been celebrating my own little thanks-for-giving party.

The pillar of Lot, not gonna touch on that one!

History of holidays: I think the true "New Year" is on your birthday, it only makes sense. All in all I feel the holidays have been corrupt way past what they were meant for and so much has been forgotten. Santa is just a sales rep. for "Mattel"...blah blah blah... Enjoy them, add to them, and make them what you want them to be. Just keep the reason in mind.

Nice points Clair, good thoughts to ponder on the next couple months.
