"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Drafting Trial

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"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein
yep looks like a lot of fun. that would be a great solution to carrying all our rock collection tools into a site and then pile a couple hundred pounds of rock in and haul it out. we'll be glad to watch, whatever the animals' name will be, for extened summer vacations. he'll be whipped into shape in no time.
Very cute!
i wonder if you could get these dogs to be like the Budweiser clydesdales, and do "drafting" competitions pulling beer maidens repleat with eigth to ten steins full of beer at Octoberfest events. that would be a useful application of these beasts. you could even put little wooden kegs of beer with taps on the end and folks could pour there own while he waits for the beer maidens to return.
Hahaha, that would be better than rock hauling! Any beer selections you'd like in your kegs?
Mr. Lobe,
I have to say, your 1st post on this topic is very brave considering the last beating you took. The suggestion of a cart on a rock dig leaves me with a bad mental picture for you! I see Mrs. WOT, or Mrs Lobe, (her preference again) sitting in the cart as you are pulling it. I also see a stick over you head with a COLD lager for motivation. If Mrs. WOT, or again, Mrs. Lobe has any experience fly fishing, another bottle of lager on the end of the fishing pole being used for a speed bonus.
**This post was not intended to give Mrs. WOT (Mrs. Lobe) any ideas. Therefore no legal actions my be taken against the poster. Any tricks or stunts should only be done by professionals. Do not try this at home! Please remember to spay and neuter your pets**
***A special thanks to the guy in the parking lot selling the stereo equipment***
Ps. Mrs. WOT or Mrs, Lobe,
Do you still suggest I not send the Lager? OOPPS, no ideas remember!
Take care,
How can you say that, B.??? I do not sit anywhere and expect SFL to do all the work...though a cold lager may in fact accompany us on our travels. Yes, I admit that they do serve as a certain level of incentive, but as SFL affirmed, I am only thinking of his best!
I am sure that sending along a lager could do no harm - just be careful where you get your mailing information.
Rather than posting on both topics again, I decided to consolidate here. Since Clair DEMANDED me to post more, this looks like a perfect place for more of my trash.
S_F_L or Mr. Lobe, your preference?
1. You're right, Mrs. Wot was redundant. I have to admit it was done on purpose.
2. If Mrs. Lobe is unacceptable, than I assume Mrs. WOT_Lobe is totally forbidden? (sounds like a double question doesn't it?)
3. At this time mailing stuff to Clair is impossible. I believe this would take a very big bribe to get her mailing address. It appears she has taken Wots advice serious, which she should! The only bribe I have to offer would be the smores of course and possibly a double batch of mint-chocolate brownies. (the coloring books and such I must save for later plotting, sorry!)
4. The candles, I hear echos of my mothers voice saying something about children playing with fire. I can't recall exactly what she said though.
5. Yes the beer and chocolate are real but I'm not sure they wouldn't mix well together. I did hear an interview done with a so called professional chocolate taster. This person claims that bourbon is recommended to cleanse the pallet between tasting, kinda like the strawberries and champagne theory. Neither of which I can comment on from personal experience.
Mrs. Wot, (that's all I'll say this time since I don't want to be redundant on purpose.)
I never meant to imply that you would sit and expect Mr. Lobe to do all the work. I just had to paint my silly picture for all to see. Next time I can place Clair in the works if you like.
I also have to admit that giving out so called personal information online can also be fun! I am the type who would tell you I live at E. 161st Street & River Ave, Bronx NY 10451. (This is Yankee Stadium, not my real address) My phone number? I would give you the # to the nearest police station. (If you attempt this, keep in mind, NEVER call the desk sargeant, tell him your name and ask if you have any messages! THIS IS VERY BAD!)
**Advice for the day** When baking brownies, don't get involved with a blog page and forget to take the oven off pre-heat..they don't bake very well!
Ps. Since halloween is coming up soon, I just want to let everyone know I WONT be watching the Charlie Brown special this year. The "Great Pumpkin" post has scared me for life. Though I have to admit, I think the whole idea is really funny! I think I need some more details.
Thanks again for the laughs! Simple humor is getting hard to find anymore.
Take care!
ok anonymous b,
how about ab for short?
or ba?
or anonyb?
of banon y mous, for complicated? (french sounding names are always popular with american babes i've heard).
so i've unilaterally voted that banon y mous is your new cybername. quit with the anonymous crap.
now, on to content...
this formality thing is getting way too complicated banon. may i call you banon for short? or maybe bym for shorter. oh, i got off on a little bunny trail again didn't i? it's tough, but rewarding, to be sfl.
so, back to content.
1. no underscores between each letter, please! i'm a simple and humble man, just sfl, or your lord sfl, or your highness sfl, or your royal hindendesty, or the right reverend sfl will do.
2. WOT is WOT and there is nothing else that so completely and succinctly encompasses the many marvelous facets to this person. she is uniformly charming in every way.
3. just pay-pal me the money and i'll buy the stuff. a hundred bucks should cover it. jeez, this is becoming way too complicated for an old, grizzled, impatient, half-coherent male. just send the money. oh, i already said that, well send a hundred twice and let's call us square.
4. men (i assume your a man. since women-folk don't write like you) should buy all their food pre-prepared to alleviate all these little cooking snafu's. that's what sports bars were invented for. for crying out loud.
i'm glad you are humored by simple things, cause that's all i got to give.
Я чувствовал, что я должен был смешать вещи немного больше. Я люблю делать это людям, чтобы видеть, могут ли они выяснить или не торопиться, чтобы перевести вещи.
Одна из вещей, с которыми я всегда очаровывался, - Россия. Я люблю архитектуру зданий там и хотел бы видеть Москву когда-нибудь. Возможно это - из-за целой эры "холодной войны".
Above is not an error, =)
Ok, since you don't care for the formals I guess I can drop that for now.
Sfl, I have been called many things. I have to admit yours have been some of the nicest so I'll let you pick whichever name you like.
for #1 Ok, I can get rid of the underscores. As for you saying that you are simple, I'll have to ponder this. Do simple people give themselves titles? If this is acceptable this could be a great thing for me! I try to keep life simple and am not very complex. Maybe I should try this title Idea! Thanks Sfl, I'm feeling better already!
#2. WOT is WOT and Sfl is Sfl. Did I get this right finally?
#3. Pay-Pal? Really? There I cannot help you at all. I refuse to get a Pay-Pal account! Pay-Pal is anti-gun so that makes me anti-Paypal. If you try to buy guns, gun parts or ammunition from an online gun auction Paypal had the right to freeze your account and it could take months to get your money back. This may have changed the past couple years.
#4. Pre-prepared food does have its advantages. I do prefer to cook though. The sports bars and such, I'll pass on that. I would rather set the overhead trees and
lawn on fire with the bbq grill.
I have to thank you Sfl! By giving me new names, the ability to title myself and such compliments as redundant (HAHAHA) I'm feeling pretty positive this week.
Umm, Clair, have you ever noticed that every neighborhood has one of those stupid dogs in it? Like the one who has eyebrows drawn on it with a sharpie marker? Do I have sharpie eyebrows Clair??? (HAHAHA!)
Take care!
The redundified_banon y mous_
a closet ruushkie eh? want to visit moscow sometime do you? hmmmm, not something you want to publish on the world wide web of intrigue, espionage, and government paranoia. expect a knock on your day anytime now, follow by a big bang (not as big as the bang at the supposed beginning of the universe of course, but big), then a couple of disorienting flash-bangs, followed by a couple of muffled air bursts, then darkness...followed by a white light coming towards you .
it's true that simple people don't give themselves titles but sometimes for the sake of their simple followers it's best to let them name them in order to feel a certain closeness to their leader; while their leader may remain aloof.
we'll have to wait and see if you've really got the WOT=WOT and sfl=sfl, or lord sfl=lord sfl, or your highness sfl=your highness sfl, or your royal hindendesty sfl=your royal hindendesty sfl, or the right reverend sfl=the right reverend sfl.
look we're not trading guns here, jeez, now the atf will be falling on us like waco or ruby ridge. soon they'll be adding "battle at sflville" or some crazy thing.
well if you're gonna cook, then you gotta pay attention and quit getting enraptured with the ramblings of some silly old fool who can barely see the computer, let along type into it.
ps-i have unilaterally voted to give banon y mous the nickname "bymmer"(tm).
you're good at this picture painting with words! "a couple of disorienting flash-bangs, followed by a couple of muffled air bursts, then darkness...followed by a white light coming towards you" I think if they were gonna come after me it would've already happened. we'll just say I like guns! =)
Ok, so I may have added a bit of spice to the cooking thing.. The fire department hasnt been called yet so i guess its all ok.
take care
i'm also good at painting pictures with my hands (hand puppets, salutes, directions, etc.).
care to guess what i'm doing right now???
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