Saturday, September 02, 2006


Yes, ok so I finally got around to posting. I'm back to school and all the work that goes along with it. Actually, it has not been bad yet, although I'm sure it will. I love my fabulous apartment - Velvet likes it too she has finally settled in, and loves the walks we take around the block.

As far as new and exciting adventures one funny thing happened last week. I went on a hike with my family upstairs and their friends, so we had 9 kids (5 weeks to 7 yrs) and three adults heading out into the woods. We found this great water fall with pool and spent about a hour playing in the water; the kids loved jumping from behind the waterfall. We had a blast, and then it was on to the trail. The hike was suppose to be about 2 miles long total, but after climbing the heights (during which we felt as if we were in the Sound of Music climbing the Alps - "The hills are alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With the sound of music....Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...."); we finally reached the peak only to find that they meant 2 miles one way. By this point it is getting to be evening, and we are all aware that none of the dads know where we are, or when we should be home, we almost panicked because we weren't sure if we could get nine children back two MORE miles home, but the sheer fact that we had to come back down won over our doubts. Thus we sat everyone down for a refueling of GORP (good old raisins and peanuts; aka trail mix, but I like GORP better), and prayed that God would get us down the mountain. Heading back down the kids did amazingly well, all but three year old Hannah who was so tired that she fell asleep in my arms and I carried her down the mountain...all two miles of it...Needless to say, my arms hurt the next day. :-) As you can see by my documentation we all made it safely down, and determined to never attempt that one with kids again.

I love adventures, they make your life so spontaneous! Better yet, they cause you to press yourself to a new level either physically or mentally. I think that too many people get concerned with the goal and not the ride there. Life is an adventure we need to enjoy it, and see mishaps as adventures (right Jess ;)). There my lovely soapbox....


Lauralou said...

Ah...the journey! That's a word for me today, Jess - - Thanks for the encouragement. Much love! Laura

Jess said...

HI JESS!!!!!!!

*waves enthusiastically*

Hey, I got your message the other day! Thank you! I will call you soon. Just wanted to say hey and thank you for posting on your blog!! It was too long since your last update! Hint hint!

Never mind SFL's comments. I think I've scared him away from my blog for good...he hasn't commented in days and days, and even then his comment lacked the usual zing I now associate with SFL. *tsk tsk*

Well my dear, know that I love you and am always keeping you in mind. I try to "be you" at work -- always cheerful and happy and helpful. :D I know you don't want to be a role model, but it's too late...heh heh...

Have a wonderful day! Talk soon!

Jess said...

OK...I take it back...should have visited my blog first before leaving a comment about SFL's lack of commentatorship (see, I make up words too) here. He's baaaaaaaaaack! Yay...I think... (heh heh, just teasing).


Jess said...


*switches on her "vacuous simpering idiot" voice and expression*

Well, fiddle-dee-dee...I just don't know! How*ever* do they think of things like this? My poor li'l ol' brain would *bust* if I tried to think about all that!

*dimply smile, fluttering of eyelashes*

After all, I don't have to do a thing but look cute. That's what girls are for, right?

*wide-eyed innocent look*

At least, that's what they always told me!


*switches back to normal mode*

Men and women are different from each other. Get it? D-I-F-F-E-R-E-N-T. Different kinds of people with different abilities. Doesn't mean that one gender is better than the other. No matter what studies are done, the results will always be the same. Guys have certain things at which they are better than women, and vice versa. That is an acknowledged fact and one that does not bother me in the least.

For instance, SFL can do all kinds of scientific things.

However, I am certain I can out-spell him.


Anyway, bottom line?



P.S. If you were hoping for more of a reaction, SFL, just ask Clair whether or not I am competitive. She will tell you.

Jess said...


Oh, really, Mr "Yours Preemiently"?


Jess said...


You have just proved my point.


Jess said...

*marvels, wide-eyed* must be older than I thought...


Lauralou said...

I thought he was pretty old...

I'm glad Velvet is with you, Jess. I'm not feeling too fondly toward the capital parent who is presently blogging. Hmph. SFL's 'friends' probably conducted this study themselves and then went out for a beer to celebrate. Men.

No hard feeling toward the bright side of the family, though. Hmph again.


Jess said...

You know what? I would really love to hear WOT's thoughts on this debate.

And don't try to tell me that her thoughts are yours, SFL, because although I may not know you two that well, I know she can definitely think for herself.

So...WOT? We give you the floor. (No bad puns, SFL, please.)

Jess said...

*stands, claps, and cheers loudly*

YOU GO, WOT!!! Thank you for stating your point so succinctly (and correctly, I might add!). SFL, I do believe she has put you in your proper place. It's about time, I say. ;)

WOT, I will have to remember your wise advice when next SFL begins one of his endless diatribes on the superiority of the male species or the superiority of the intellect of those who can perform complicated mathematical equations. It will be hard, but I am sure you are right.

And those quotes are vastly amusing...I think my favourite is #3. Heheheheheh! I will have to use that the next time one of my co-workers complains about what we have to do.

Well, WOT, it's been great to have you as a guest on this wonderful little blog of your daughter's! I know we all (with perhaps the exception of SFL! Heheh!) live in hope of another comment or two from you in the not-so-distant future.



Lauralou said...

I think SFL calculated correctly at least one time in his life, after hearing from WOT! Cheers, SFL, to good mathematics. (We have some waiting in the fridge for you when you are back from NC!)
