Wednesday, September 14, 2011

If I Tell You, I'll Have To Kill You

I'm writing a book.

Not alone.

It pertains to work related topics, but still!!

I shouldn't say anything more...I've been sworn to secrecy by my co-author, but I had to tell you guys. Maybe when it gets published I'll delude myself into thinking I'm famous and sign copies for you. Yup, I think that is adequate retrobution for your years of loving attention and faithful following. OR! I mean I could do a deal and sign a book of your choice written by a better author. Just keep that in mind, okay?


Louber said...

Can't wait to buy your book and try to read it...

Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

Haha, it may be an effort in futility, but more power to ya!

Jess said...

Someday you and I shall be coauthors. ;o)