Monday, February 22, 2010

Music, music Monday!

I do hope that you Monday has gone well for you, and since it is such a fabulous day I'll include another picture from our vacation trip!

This song seemed appropriate seeing as this is my puppy's birthday! I know that is a slight stretch to the song's intended meaning ;-), but still and all - it is rather perfect.


Laura said...

Where you guys travel to.... Where exactly ARE you, anyway? You look great, but, um, Disney world it's not. I see lots of rocks. That's always the draw, isn't it? Hmmm

Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

Haha, a mystery I know ;p I'm pretty sure I saw Mickey though...but maybe it was just a mirage. We were in NM, hunting rocks!

Anonymous said...

The only reason Clair likes to travel with us is because of the wild adventures we have to places most people could never even imagine to exist! This trip we were up over 6000 ft in elevation, we had mud-bogging (a family favorite), and we experienced the joy of following paths that you hope are the "faint tracks" mentioned in the references to the mineral collecting sites...rockhounding is really a form of outdoor thrill-seeking with prizes...Clair and SFL love the thrill part - I prefer the prizes, though the mud was especially good this trip ;-) WOT

shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

blasphemous sacrilege!


ps to Laura - does it really matter where she is? and yes, i am hot aren't i?

ps to anonymous wot - keep our wild adventures to ourselves, children read this! (i flatter myself). he!

Anonymous said...

It could have been intriguing for the young ones if Clair hadn't posted photos...those details show the limitations of our fun. But we do have tons of fun! May every young one has as much as we do!!!