Saturday, November 08, 2008

Fall Time

I think that there are special people in this world destined to create titles to books, movies, and blogs...I am not one of those people - not even close...

I highly doubt anyone reads this anymore, due to my haphazard blog posts; however in some respects that is rather liberating. It is like being able to have a journal, a place where I can put words to the crazy thoughts rolling around in my brain; a journal where occationally someone as crazy as myself braves the webesphere (like my new word?) for a glimps into my internal mullings. Scary thought indeed.

The last several weeks have consisted of work, sleep, cleaning my house, and wandering cyberspace. Scratch that - I did actually go to the park last week to swing on the swingset for about half-an-hour. We have had some beautiful days this fall, and Velvet and I do enjoy some walks in the sun.

One nice evening I shared with my sister this week had me dragging her out to Lowe's (which by the way is one of my favorite stores - it smells good and there are no rudd people with carts) in order to find a Christmas tree and decorations so we can decorate after thanksgiving. We had lots of fun picking out how we wanted our tree to look, and I can't wait till we get to set it up, and see the vision take form. My poor sister...being an available listening ear may have not been on her agenda, but being the good sport that she is she graciously listened as I bemoaned my ticking biologic clock - ode to PMS. ;-) All in all we had some good sisterly bonding time, one of the benefits of finally living close.

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