Sunday, June 29, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Well, we are finally moved in! I thought that day would never come, and my poor mother - I think I drove her crazy by constantly calling asking her to remind me that I was still somewhat sane. However, all that being said and done I am soo glad that my sister and I are settled here, and that we love it! Now I hope you know me well enough to know that the move was not without some very funny quotes on my end, and some crazy adventures.

Our first adventure occurred on the second day in the new house. My sister's boyfriend and his brother had come to help us move in, and they were awesome. Unfortunately, the keys to the boy's car were lost in the Bermuda triangle for keys; never to be found. This was bad on several fronts. First, the boys couldn't get home without a car...definitely need keys for that. Second, the car was parked behind the moving truck in the driveway...note to self - its really hard to get a giant moving truck out of a driveway when there is something parked behind. I suggested backing the truck over the car, but that was vetoed. Not getting the moving truck out that day was not an option though because the rental truck had to be turned in that evening.

Finally after most of the day attempting to get keys we realized that the moving truck had to get out - therefore we placed the car in neutral and pushed it out of the driveway long enough for me to pull the truck out (push the car back into the driveway) and return it. Prior to this I will tell you that we spent about 8 hours looking for the key and attempting to get a new key. We searched everywhere inside and out of the luck. We drove to multiple car dealers with the hope of getting a new key - actually we did end up getting a new key from one dealer. To bad it was a key to the door not the ignition (we had already had AAA come out to open the door)...We even contemplated a six hour round trip drive to pick up a new set from the boy's house. In the end we hot wired the car (is that illegal??)(I might add after another couple trips to Lowe's (I love that store) for wires, a soldering kit, etc) and prayed that the wiring would hold all the way home.

To conclude: The truck was returned safely, the car was started, the boys got home safely, and we all slept REALLY well that night.

Let me just say that moving always holds surprises (at least for me), and there are always unexpected twists. I can't wait though to have some more stories for you soon!!

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