Well, I'm back home, and enjoying a little R&R :-). Actually, I've been getting really for work, and another wonderful summer of reenacting! I know...its so exciting!!! Well, at least try to understand...
As for Merle, no, I have not forgotten about him I just haven't learned to load my camera pictures on my computer yet. Sorry. He did however, tell me to describe a quite remarkable story which transpired not but two days ago.
It was Wednesday morning, and Merle was upstairs doing what all people doing the in morning, and as he was he told me that he heard this strange noise down in the living room. I know that you don't know Merle very well yet, but he is very curious, and well, he went to go check it out. When he looked through the stair railing you will never believe what he saw! Merle described this huge brown squirrel sitting on the couch holding an acorn not three feet from a broken window. Now you may be wondering what happened to bring a squirrel into Merle's house, but I tell you it did not take Merle long to figure it out. You see the nut which the squirrel held was the giant acorn that sat in decoration on the mantle of Merle's living room! Yep, the stupid squirrel had busted through Merle's window in attempt to reach the acorn. Who has an acorn sitting on their mantle you ask? Please! What kind of question is that??...Weird I know, but you can believe Merle he is good with the details. ;-)
More later...