Friday, February 03, 2006

Back for More

Thank you my dear commenters for remembering your place on this blog. Hehe, no I love watching your conversations, and I love you all. It seems as if time is flying by, and I guess that is a good thing as it will bring me closer to seeing you all again. School is insane as always, but I love our Med-Surg class because our instructor is hilarious! In clinical yesterday she was telling us stories of her self administered rectal tubes (if you don't know what that is look it up), and by the end tears were running down my face I was laughing so hard - not to mention the fact that I will never look at a straw the same way again... Perhaps her creativity and funny stories comes from the fact that she was a nurse in Vietnam and has been teaching for years. Whatever makes her entertaining, I don't care all I know is that she makes class fun.

As for the rest of my life apart from school...Wait! I don't have a life apart from school, who am I kidding! Lol, ok maybe I have a small life one that consists of playing computer games, cleaning, and sleeping as a method to prevent total mental burnout. Actually this semester has such a different feel to it than the Fall term, and so I am still trying to adjust.

Alright, I'm off to class for our very first test of the semester, whoho! :-) More later...


ViNeYaRD WoRSHiP said...

Straws, my dear, were not meant for analogies (nor for vintages) - but that is clearly an aside. I hope your test was not too tricky...

Funny teachers can make funny tests, you know. After all, they know how to get their own laughs. Though I suppose you didn't say that this particular test was from the Lustige Professorin.

Again, I hope all has gone well, and your brain has not suffered greatly from inappropriately envisioning straws... At least not to the point where your testing ability was hampered (streaming tears notwithstanding).


Jess said...

Clair darling, how did your test go? I'm so glad you have a fun instructor for your Med-Surg class, though I must confess I probably wouldn't have found some of her stories as hilarious as your class sfl said, yikes! Anyway, just checking in to see how you are doing, my dear. Much love! :)

brideofheaven said...

Hey Beautiful!

I got to your page! Yea! I am so glad that you are doing good and now I have a way to keep up on what is going on in your life.

I miss you like crazy and can't wait to see you when you get out here.

By the way, Alison and I decided to fly into Denver and then drive to Kansas City, so you won't have to pick us up. Thank you so much for offering though!

Luv ya girl!